Check out this pre-launch video of the Ares 3 crew. It gives a better flavor of what to expect than the trailer did. Looks like Watney's sense of humor and potty mouth should come across pretty well. I had to keep pausing it to read the twitter postings.
Hah! That's great. Want to see this so badly.
7/8/15 1:19 p.m.
I want to see it too, but I am trying my best to not watch any trailers or whatever video Keith linked to.
Question: Should I be watching these "tease" trailers?
Do you think they are showing parts of the movie? Or are they extra promotional clips that supplement the movie. (A similar thing was done with Prometheus)
I just don't want to see the movie and say "yeah... seen that". I am absolutely planning on seeing the movie either way. I have not read the book, I know it is supposed to be great, and I have been a fan of the director for a long time (he's not perfect of course), I have even seen The Duelist!
This clip is total scene setting. It's not in the book, it's before the team even leaves earth. It's not part of the story and does not offer any spoilers. It's couched as a NASA promotional video before the crew heads off to Mars.
What it DOES do is introduce the characters and set the tone for their relationship. If you want to know how Watney will be portrayed, it'll give you a taste.
100% safe to watch, free of spoilers.
Great video.
I just bought the book and hope to have it read before the movie comes out. We saw the trailer the other day at Jurassic World and my wife wants to see it too.