I couldn't find my original post to add to it, so here's another question:
My coworker who is doing a 1973 Mustang Grande with his son asked me about 302 heads. The PO swapped out the 302 heads for 351 heads, it also has an aluminum high rise and new four barrel.
Here's what he says: Bear with me I'm doing this from memory.
On 351 Windsor heads the valves are staggered, off centerline because they are bigger. Windsors also have 18mm dia. spark plug holes.
On 351 Cleveland heads the valves are lined up in a row and the spark plug holes are 14mm.
He has heads that have the staggered valves pattern but 14mm spark plug holes.
What's he got and how do I help him identify it? No visible casting/forging numbers or serial numbers stamped in.
Wrong...Cleveland heads are the staggered ones. Not sure of the plug size.
A 302 is also a Windsor headed block. (unless you have the Boss 302)
You may have what is called a Clevor setup.
If you can get a parts number from the head I it would help.
Number is underneath, where the head gasket rides.
Cleveland also has the thermostat housing in the block, the Windsor has the thermostat housing in the intake.
914Driver wrote:
Number is underneath, where the head gasket rides.
Incorrect, at least for windsor/302 heads, its cast into the top of the head in the valve spring area, you could pull off a valve cover and find the number.
Also, there is a 351w head that is a bolt on performance upgrade for the 302, it came from a '69/'70 351w 4v engine, sorry IDK the part# to identify it.