Bought a box lot of models years for a friend who wanted a Dodge Little Red Express kit that was in the lot. These were forgotten and eventually squirreled away.
Well, the other day I was looking for some really old photos that we found at an estate sale (that will get its own thread), and came across the models again. Unfortunately, the Voodoo Vette is the only sealed one, and the Black widow is a partial (and partially together), so I will have to inventory the others before I can list them on eBay, but how cool is that '77-8 Power Wagon?? Fingers crossed the Galloping Ghost is complete.

What do you want for the Dodge Truck? It looks like my real truck.
I still have to check to make sure it's all there.
I like that Little Red Wagon, back in the day IMC and MPC kits were generally more detailed than the other brands. Is the Black Widow an original or a reissue (there may be a date on the box, or a zip code in the manufacture's address)? It first came out around 1960, but I believe it was reissued at least once over the years. An original will be more valuable of course.
Near as I can tell, it appears to be original.

But at this point it either looks like it was parked on the wrong side of town, or the cover of one of the "Little Books" showing a build.

Pretty sure I have the Voodoo Vette at home from the auction I won earlier in the year. I know I built it as a teen and have parts of the original kit build in my mess of parts.
It's amazing how common that model is/was.
In reply to Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself :
Neat! A little trivia about those old models - the suggested retail price was part of the model code; in this case PC60-149 meant the suggested price was $1.49.
12/11/24 6:35 a.m.
Seems like a good time to suggest another model kit build thread.