4/3/20 9:41 a.m.
There is an H that appears to be written with permanent marker on the bottom of this case base. Because it isn't in the printing, is it something done in the field for some reason? The 831 is a training round to simulate the HEAT round, is that what its for?
I know I've seen other ones, "S" and "CAN". What are these for? Are there more markings?

I dabble in Wargaming's World of Tanks. Does that count?
I don't know the answer to your question, though. 
I found this:
Edit: So, Target Practice - Tracer (TP-T) round, simulates ballistics of the HEAT round.

My dad loves all things tanks, although hilariously he ended up being an anti tank Gunner in the army when he served.
I'll show it to him and see if he knows
A quick look got me here, there are probably thousands. Why a tanker would grease pencil an H on the face is confusing.
Perhaps done by a soldier in the projectile storage facility for quick ID? (but they're stored breech down).
The M831 has tracers and is used for target practice. The 120mm M-777's ordinance comes in 8 levels of kaboom. If you're teaching recruits the mechanics of shooting and safety, there's no need to rattle the heck out of the equipment, so they shoot zone 1 stuff. Want to reach out and touch someone 24 miles away? Zone 8. Interesting stuff happens with that though.
4/3/20 12:45 p.m.
H sounds like HEAT.
S could be sabot or the kinetic energy round.
CAN sounds like canister which seems like a crazy version of a shotgun shell.