I hope this is an ok place for a feature request - It'd be really cool if the emails I get when I subscribe to a thread linked to the last page in the thread, rather than the first. For that matter, it'd be really cool if there was a synthetic link for a forum thread, like https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/<specific-forum>/<name-of-thread>/<thread-id?>/lastpage
for example. I don't know if anyone else would use it, but I would!
6/12/17 6:18 p.m.
I would use it all the time. Even better if it linked directly to the newest postid in the emails.
Some pic heavy posts like irish44j's build thread can be a bit of a pain to find the newest post.
Even the basic thread subscription emails don't work for me 
This forum software is proprietary to the Amish and they will not embrace any technology from this century unless it's somehow approved by either Jesus or excessive profit. Like the tax free marijuana growing business. Or mobile phones. But ... they will still answer the mobile phone from the cart being pulled by a plow horse. And no, you can't have alerts when someone likes your barn raising pics.
Because berkeley you. That's why.
Noted. Thanks for bringing it up! We'll see what we can do.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Thank you!
Great idea, thanks for raising it!