Is it me or did it get worse over the years? Its practically useless.
I'm getting results that are so off topic simply because the word I'm searching was posted in a random thread. Why isn't there a way to search via thread title vs giving results that seems random. And why am I getting "my comment" results from different forum users.
Nice catch on the "my comment" bug. That should now be fixed--thank you.
As far as the rest, it's been getting better over the years, but there's still more progress to be made. It's been tough to find the resources to throw at it vs. making content.
It seemed like it got better for a bit. Trying to find a single post you remember is about impossible.
When i search a users posts, id like it sorted chronologically like every other forum i have been on over the last 24 years of my internet usage. This one grabs those posts, i think, but then it sorts them by which one was posted on last. Its messy.
If we could just have a search by user it would help a lot.
If it had just a standard forum search function I think we'd be well off.
7/5/22 10:59 a.m.
Honestly, I just use Google. Use the search term below and put whatever you are looking for in place of "carryall". carryall
Will get you this page

Yeah it's a lot better than it used to be, last time I ran a search it still wasn't better than the Google search-by-URL trick though...