I've noticed something in my years on the forum that is only a curiosity. I check the forums at work sometimes but mostly on the evenings and weekends. Subjectively speaking, I tend to see more posts during (for instance) a Wednesday afternoon than I do on a Saturday.
Makes me picture all of you at work just trolling GRM. Proud papa moment.
No judgement. Just curious if a Suddard has noticed website traffic that confirms or refutes my theory.
4/15/22 8:46 a.m.
I use it all day at work. And, yeah, it's definitely slower on the weekends. If it's slow, or I'm waiting for a vehicle to program, or I'm waiting on the service writer to sell work, then I poke around on here.
I think the management has mentioned this before, how the forum is pretty active during the usual work week hours for N. America, and I definitely notice it being slower on the weekend.
I like having this for a brain break. I sometimes get distracted by it as well.
4/15/22 8:50 a.m.
I read at work, just like I check in on various auto blogs, or stock prices.
When I need to post something I go to my phone though. My boss doesn't need to know any of my usernames.
The forum is definitely slower with regards to the number of post on the weekends.
I have two monitors- one is for CAD, one is for GRM.
Never at work. I only answer my personal texts and calls at lunch, unless it is very high priority, like a doctor's visit, or some other pre arranged appointment-style situation.
I have often noted the same phenomenon with a hint of jealousy, but I guess that's what I get for not having a fancyphone. It does make me question how much productivity is lost due to internet browsing, and as a blue collar guy, I can be a bit bitter about it. Hopefully, no one takes this as a personal attack. It was not intended to be.
I frequently will wait till Monday morning to post questions just because there are more eyes on the page during the week.
And you can definitely tell who is busy at work.
As for me, I'm on here pretty much every day and frequently several times a day. If I'm at my desk, there is a GRM tab open. Not always on top, but at least open.
On slower days yeah I check in and go for a scroll.
As an avowed Luddite, I firmly believe that the business world would be better off with paper ledgers, 10-key adding machines, and slide rules. The primary use of computers in business is solitaire, forum use, and general web browsing to the detriment of productivity. When I'm the boss, all the computers go in the dumpster and we get out the paper and pencils!
wheelsmithy (Joe-with-an-L) said:
Never at work. I only answer my personal texts and calls at lunch, unless it is very high priority, like a doctor's visit, or some other pre arranged appointment-style situation.
I have often noted the same phenomenon with a hint of jealousy, but I guess that's what I get for not having a fancyphone. It does make me question how much productivity is lost due to internet browsing, and as a blue collar guy, I can be a bit bitter about it. Hopefully, no one takes this as a personal attack. It was not intended to be.
Zero judgement. I don't check much at work, but probably more than average. My job is 100% hands-on for me and 100% hands-off for everyone else. I have next to zero oversight as the director of a department of one, but I'm passionate about the work so I take my free time when it's logical and surf.
Being a theater tech director is about 50% blue collar, 30% white collar, and 20% black collar. As far as productivity is concerned in my job... If the show opens on January 10th, I need to have the set, sound, and lights ready for tech rehearsals on January 4th or we don't have a show and I just cost the theater about $60,000 in lost revenue and lose my job. If I choose to surf GRM all through November and then cram the build into December, that's on me.
4/15/22 9:09 a.m.
Weekends are for projects. Weekdays are for planning/researching/bullE36 M3ting about projects.
There also tends to be more news from car companies during the week. They all take weekends off too, so there's less to discuss RE new vehicles or carmakers
I always have a GRM tab open at work, on my phone, my personal computer and anywhere else I go.
My job allows me that freedom without effecting my productivity, which is nice.
I'm a fireman. We run about 26 calls per 48 hour shift. I'm either actively working or free to do as I please at the station. No one cares. Some dudes sleep. Some guys play Nintendo. I don't sleep much and I don't care for video games so I tend to read on the laptop internet machine or putter around outside on some small project on whatever vehicle I drove to work.
People also buy Miata parts while at work. Heck, that's exactly what "Cyber Monday" was originally, the natural bump in online sales on the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend when everyone gets to work. It was a phenomenon before it became yet another marketing hook.
Internet forums and distraction pages are not good for productivity :)
I don't take a smoke break but I do take a GRM forum break.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:
I have two monitors- one is for CAD, one is for GRM.
I have 4, three on one computer, 1 on another. 1- Outlook / Teams, 2-Power Point / Project, 3- Excel. Computer 2- GRM / F1.com
I check on my phone too. Traffic is higher during the week except for the F1 thread.
For those who are curious, here's a little chart of when y'all tend to be on the website. Granted, this isn't isolated to just the Forum, but it's pretty representative since most of the site traffic tends to enter through the forum.
Hard to tell because of the color gradient, but Saturdays do indeed tend to have fewer hours with the same number of active users we would see during a weekday. During the week, y'all tend to be on the site most from 10am to 9pm.
This chart doesn't show it, but before a lot of people started working from home, there was always a predictable dip in traffic during commuting hours.

4/15/22 10:04 a.m.
Appleseed said:

I maintain that it is "ya'll" and not "y'all"
Why? Because it is a contraction derived from country folk (of which I am one) and none of them know where punctuation really goes. The dictionary saying it is "y'all" is cultural appropriation.
Visit GRM when I am supposed to be working?
Never. Ok, maybe during lunch break. Or maybe when it is slow in the afternoon. Or in the morning when I need to get away from work. And maybe in the afternoon for the same reason. And once in a while before or after lunch to see if there is anything new. And occasionally just before I leave work. And sometimes right after I get to work.
But never at dusk.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Ahh, but the country folk spell it like Jackie does.
Yup. Brewing is a lot of hurry-up-and-wait.
4/15/22 10:31 a.m.
I have GRM up about 75% of the time at work.
I saw this thread during my morning routine but waited till I got to work to actually read it. Am I doing this right?