Yeah, so I'm watching Fox News for some reason, and for the past 15 minutes, they've been covering a police chase in California. It's a woman driving a U-Haul. On an interstate. They laid spike strips, and apparently, she avoided them. We're going to another commercial, and uh, well, it's all they're covering now. They're going to come back from the commercial, cover it until probably 8:00, and then go to Bill O'Reilly.
Did the show's writers all call in sick today?! Or were they just out of ideas?
Turn it on and check it out!
OK, I literally just heard Shepard Smith say, "Yeah, they don't want to kill her, they just want to stop her".
Oh yeah, this woman is going to prison for a LONG time. She knocked off the mirror from a BMW, broke speed limits, and even drove over a median. If she so much as blinks weird, they're going to load her with bullets.
confuZion3 wrote:
Oh yeah, this woman is going to prison for a LONG time. She knocked off the mirror from a BMW,
Big deal. Several on this forum could hook her up cheaply...
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
1/28/09 7:39 p.m.
I was wondering if she was a homeless person paid to do it by U-Haul. Cheapest national commercial ever.
Uhaul Rep: How would you like free meals and housing for FIVE YEARS?
1/28/09 9:27 p.m.
Per Schroeder wrote:
I was wondering if she was a homeless person paid to do it by U-Haul. Cheapest national commercial ever.
I remember a chase out in CA maybe 10 years ago or so now in which someone jacked a Land Rover. Nothing could stop it, certainly not spike strips. The perp drove the truck until the tire shredded away and the aluminum wheel ground down all the way to the point that the thing was driving on the rotor. It was all over TV, made the truck look plenty tough and rumor was Land Rover gave the victim a new truck free of charge. Anyone else remember that?
1/28/09 9:47 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote:
Yeah, so I'm watching Fox News for some reason, and for the past 15 minutes, they've been covering a police chase in California. It's a woman driving a U-Haul. On an interstate. They laid spike strips, and apparently, she avoided them. We're going to another commercial, and uh, well, it's all they're covering now. They're going to come back from the commercial, cover it until probably 8:00, and then go to Bill O'Reilly.
Did the show's writers all call in sick today?! Or were they just out of ideas?
Turn it on and check it out!
You watch it for 15 minutes (including a commercial break), recommend it to others, and then wonder why it's even on the air?
Haven't you answered your own question?
Speaking of car chase, I just witnessed one yesterday. I was driving on the freeway and noticed three helicopters above. Then suddenly on my rearview mirror I saw an suv quickly swerve into my lane braking hard. Then quickly switched onto the truck lanes followed by a bunch of sheriff and highway patrol cars. Turned on the radio and it was a stolen vehicle. Shortly after it crashed on side street and the suspect hopped fences and was these things mostly end. Now I so want an ex cop car! Those things haul ass
What amazes me about those chases is how often a couple of skinny young kids start runing and a middle aged guy in black shoes and a 50 lb utility belt manages to run them down and tackle them.
During the chase footage, Fox News pulled up Google Earth and was showing exactly where along the PCH this woman was. I guess Headline News had a slow day too. They went to the chase footage 15 minutes later..
1/29/09 8:07 a.m.
Growing up in SoCal in the 90s meant I was there for tons and tons of good car chases before the police changed to less aggressive tactics and the networks largely stopped covering the chases. I remember watching the North Hollywood bank shootout live. I also remember one day my senior year of high school my government teacher turned on the tv in class so we could watch a live chase (the one where the guy's in a blue Pontiac Grand Prix, jumps a fence, falls and all his stolen money pops out). Good times.
I just found out today that the driver of that U-Haul was a friend of a friend of a friend's niece.
Monkeywrench wrote: the end, the front rotors weren't even left! 
Wally wrote:
What amazes me about those chases is how often a couple of skinny young kids start runing and a middle aged guy in black shoes and a 50 lb utility belt manages to run them down and tackle them.
Once I had seen a car chase in person, I could have sworn it was a Chavette, but it was going too fast. It was a brown 80's chevy with 3-5 cops following. That was an interesting site
The only televised car chase I remember was some pin head riding in a white Bronko going real slow with 47 hundred cops behind it. I seem to remember it took them about 15 years to finally put the idiot in jail. They called him orange juice or something stupid like that.
confuZion3 wrote:
Oh yeah, this woman is going to prison for a LONG time. She knocked off the mirror from a BMW, broke speed limits, and even drove over a median. If she so much as blinks weird, they're going to load her with bullets.
Did anyone notice the orange Exige she passed? I happened to mention it to a couple other people in the coffee shop where the chase was being played, and received some blank looks. 
1/30/09 1:52 p.m.
I have said it before and I'll say it again. You know where you never see these chases? The south. Becuase before a news chopper could get there, they shoot the car.
Mental wrote:
I have said it before and I'll say it again. You know where you never see these chases? The south. Becuase before a news chopper could get there, they shoot the car.
You just see the In car video from the cop car afterwards