What's the deal with these things? What do they do? How can I kill them/prevent them?
During my deep clean since finding a fresh mouse nest Monday, I discovered a bunch of silver fish. On my plates in the cabinet, on top of cardboard containers in other cabinets, in drawers the mice weren't in.
Like an inch long at that.
I've never had a problem with them before. They don't appear to be getting into food, just, hanging out on plates and stuff.
They really like cardboard & paper. Unfortunately I always have to keep a lot of it around. I'm interested in a long term way of minimizing their presence.
They eat components of paper products.
Moisture control. They like moisture.
Boric acid.
house centipedes eat them like crazy.
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :

They are one of the most primitive creatures on earth. I have some in my house that I believe came from an uncle's old train set that he gave me many many years ago. Every time we move, they travel with us.
they love old paper products and book binding paste.
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
house centipedes eat them like crazy.
There's the solution! Get you a whole bunch of house centipedes!
Who doesn't love these things!

I have silverfish but would certainly prefer them over centipedes.
8/5/20 7:40 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
house centipedes eat them like crazy.
There's the solution! Get you a whole bunch of house centipedes!
Who doesn't love these things!

Will vouch for those things making it hard for your 5-year-old to go to sleep at night when they lurk around up near her ceiling looking for other bugs to eat. Especially since the bug in that pic is probably 2" long.
But boy, do they eat other bugs.
Speaking of, I got home from a bike ride last night and hung up my helmet just to see this guy run out from the hook.

Sorry bad pic, I couldn't get the flash working.
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
You need to catch that bad boy and put him in a box and mail him to RevRico.
1988RedT2 said:
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
house centipedes eat them like crazy.
There's the solution! Get you a whole bunch of house centipedes!
Who doesn't love these things!

You are welcome to mine! I hate to say it, I get a big kick how my niece reacts to them. I start hearing "help! Help!" out of her bedroom
1988RedT2 said:
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
You need to catch that bad boy and put him in a box and mail him to RevRico.
I would happily accept it. The 3 females in the house, who are afraid of daddy long legs, would kill me for it.
I'll just deal with them I guess. I mostly find them on the plates in the cabinet, dump down the sink and carry on.
RevRico said:
1988RedT2 said:
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
You need to catch that bad boy and put him in a box and mail him to RevRico.
I would happily accept it. The 3 females in the house, who are afraid of daddy long legs, would kill me for it.
I'll just deal with them I guess. I mostly find them on the plates in the cabinet, dump down the sink and carry on.
If you're finding them in the kitchen cabinets look for old foods in nearby cabinets that came in paper/ cardboard packaging and haven't been used. Somewhere nearby there's old paper products that don't get moved frequently. Stash of paper bags?
In reply to NOT A TA :
That's the thing, the cabinets I found them in have nothing but glassware and contact paper in them. Maybe the old contact paper has crap from the previous owners.
I did catch one in a different cabinet on top of my corn meal container which is cardboard, but nothing is damp or wet upstairs in the house.
Adhesive on the contact paper may be the big attraction.
They don't need "wet" just the humidity from cooking, dish washing, etc. in the kitchen is enough. Here in S FL the normal humidity (even in AC areas) is plenty. I have to keep boxes & packing paper for shipping and they're a nuisance.