Not mine. No affiliation whatsoever.
if you need the brains they are still in the have to remove yourself.
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12/9/09 8:04 p.m.
It takes brains to figure a way to use un-tanned deer hides.
If you don't have any brains, contact this poster and score a two-fer.
To be fair, you can use the brains to tan the hides...
Flagged for removal? What's wrong with giving away deer brains?
back up
12/9/09 8:30 p.m.
I've got an upholstery project coming up, and could use some good hide. Don't need the brains, though.
I guess I'll hold off and keep looking for some whale penis.. 
Man, I was looking for some free deer hides. Too far away. Oh well. I did the coon with alum, per FT. The directions for using brains call for running them through the blender, and I don't think Momma would go for that one.
New Reader
12/9/09 9:46 p.m.
Never done it,just observed part of the process. Don't think you really need to blenderie them. Just smash them into the hide well by hand. Supposedly ( & I wonder how anyone would really know this), every animal's brain is of just the right size to tan it's hide.
braaaiinnsssss... braaaaiiiinnsssssss.......
I once had a set of TIG welding gloves made from deer skin, best gloves ever. Not the best material for the job but tactile feel was A+
12/9/09 10:49 p.m.
Salt and cold tea works too.
Dr. Hess wrote:
The directions for using brains call for running them through the blender, and I don't think Momma would go for that one.
Yea, you have to be sneaky when doing that. I got caught running mice through hers. It wasn't pretty.
Even worse when you're a vegetarian. Mice would definetly be out. I think that either way, I'd be buying someone a new blender on that one.
Capped a 'possum a few weeks ago. That was some really soft, thick fur (it had been living on Special Kitty). I thought about tanning it, but didn't have the time.
So... someone enlighten me... you tan the hide with the brain material? I know you can use slaked lime and hardwood ashes... not sure why one might prefer to work in brain gobs over ashes...
There are a lot of tanneries in my area and I have no idea what it costs, but I wonder if it's worthwhile to collect free hides and have them tanned. I had a deerskin motorcycle jacket once, very supple, different than the usual black color.
12/10/09 9:35 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
Yea, you have to be sneaky when doing that. I got caught running mice through hers. It wasn't pretty.
No, I'm sorry, you just cannot leave it there. This requires a brief, or detailed, explanation.
Brains are one of the ways to tan a hide. There are many. Brain tanning is a mild tannin tanning. Conveniently, nature provides just enough tannin in a brain to do the hide of the animal. At least that's the theory. My results haven't always been so good.
Mink, muskrat and opposum are my favorite furs to confuse and stun people with at the various shows. I tend to have many different ones out, and it's fun to watch peoples reaction to them.
Mink. It's not a nice fur. It's hard and brittle feeling. Folks are constantly surprised at how not nice it feels. It's sparkly shiny, that's all. Start them here. Let them touch it and not like it, then tell them it's a Mink. The frown always appears.
Then the muskrat. Ohhh, ahhh. It's beautiful to see, and beautiful to touch. Never fails, the "ohhh" that comes out of a persons mouth when they run their fingers through the fur. Then the astonishment over it being a muskrat.
Opposum. Kmart's favorite fur, after rabbit. And it's a surprisingly nice fur. Thin if the hide is overtensioned. Needs some grooming work to make it lay well, but not much.
My wife's uncle is a trapper, she was the only kid on the block whose Barbie had a chipmunk fur coat.
12/10/09 10:10 a.m.
Borax works, too. For tanning, that is.