I picked up a 1997 Neon this week for a beater/daily driver. It's been used, neglected, not cleaned, but it's pretty solid for a 14 yr old car in the northeast.
The seller pointed out that he had to wire the radiator fan to the fuse box cuz the fans quit one day. He popped the fuse panel cover off and there's a 14 ga wire stuffed into the heater-A/C fuse with a larger amp fuse shoved in there.Ok, I thought. I can wire that to look a little better and leave it that way for a while. wrong.
Taking the car for a ride after I got it and I hear " ding, ding, ding" then the temp gauge is pegged. I got the car home as coolant pukes all over the parking lot. Open the hood and there's the red wire, but its just lazily wrapped around the power wire to the fans.I jiggle the wire and the fans come on. *facepalm
I bought a relay and 20 minutes later, the car is running, the fans come on when they were supposed to and everything is fine.
I hate when people think they fixed problem when they in fact create more problems. With a little research, I discovered that the fuse the red wire was plugged into was also the circuit the O2 sensors get their power from...that would help explain why the CEL is on as well.
'Cus you know, car stuff HAS to be complicated. Why else would mechanics get to charge $70 an hour? 
When I bought my 57 Chevy the paint and chrome was perfect. The wiring on the other hand was a nightmare. I took better than two dozen wire nuts out of the wiring in the engine bay and under the dash. The guy who wired it must have never heard of fuses and tie wraps. Some people should never be allowed to touch a car other than gas and go.
There is a certain satisfaction in fixing something. There is a certain disgust in fixing other peoples screw ups.
Change the timing belt and water pump on the neon as soon as you can. The water pumps are questionable after 80k or so, and fixing it after the belt breaks is a $350 or so job if you dont already have a used head put on.
Oh definitely. It will get a belt, pump, tensioners/pulleys as soon as I figure out the rest of the little problems.
hotrodlarry wrote:
I hate when people think they fixed problem when they in fact create more problems.
I -LOVE- it when people do that.
Then they come see me.
There is much wringing of hands and "I just don't understand" from them.
Then they leave with a working car and a thinner wallet.
5/30/11 7:53 a.m.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
'Cus you know, car stuff HAS to be complicated. Why else would mechanics get to charge $70 an hour?
Cuz it's usually us mechanics that come to the rescue of morons like this guy. And because we understand bus circuits, gear lash and wear those cools shirts.
Oh, let's get something straight. Mechanics don't charge $70 or $105 an hour (at my last shop the lowest labor rate was $95, the highest was $155). The shop charges that, today, the mechanic MIGHT get 25% of that. And the mechanic has a $40,000 set of tools to pay on.
DrBoost wrote:
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
'Cus you know, car stuff HAS to be complicated. Why else would mechanics get to charge $70 an hour?
The shop charges that, today, the mechanic MIGHT get 25% of that. And the mechanic has a $40,000 set of tools to pay on.
Sorry, but the mechanic gets paid $35/h based on how quickly he works (around here). When you can rack up 60 hours in a week at $35/h, while working 8-5, that isn't something to bitch about. That would be gross $8400 per month, aka, close to $6k net per month. Uh, that's as good as people who work shift work out at plants operating!
Even "with" $40k in tools. That's the cost of an education, but they get to work while they pay that.
New Reader
5/30/11 10:18 a.m.
Way to go, DT&B. Get the professional mechanic riled up agin. 
DrBoost wrote:
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
'Cus you know, car stuff HAS to be complicated. Why else would mechanics get to charge $70 an hour?
Cuz it's usually us mechanics that come to the rescue of morons like this guy. And because we understand bus circuits, gear lash and wear those cools shirts.
Oh, let's get something straight. Mechanics don't charge $70 or $105 an hour (at my last shop the lowest labor rate was $95, the highest was $155). The shop charges that, today, the mechanic MIGHT get 25% of that. And the mechanic has a $40,000 set of tools to pay on.
No one cares what the mech makes, shop, etc, they just know it costs THEM a ton of money.
5/30/11 8:03 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
Sorry, but the mechanic gets paid $35/h based on how quickly he works (around here). When you can rack up 60 hours in a week at $35/h, while working 8-5, that isn't something to bitch about. That would be gross $8400 per month, aka, close to $6k net per month. Uh, that's as good as people who work shift work out at plants operating!
Oh really? Is that a flat base pay that every mechanic gets, or is that a Master ASE cert'd technician, entry level lube tech or somewhere in between? Funny, just how many techs to you actually know. In my current line of work, I work hand-in-hand with techs all across the country and, while it varies a bit, 25% is what most folks are getting. Some more yes, but many are way less. About a year ago I was out of work and decided to turn wrenches again. As an ASE certified tech (most schools accept a master ASE tech is the equivalent to between a 2 and 4 year degree) with 17 years experience and said tools (that only includes the box and what inside it, not compressor, welder, computer, A/C manifold set and the like, so add $10,000) they were offering me $15 flat rate! Yes, you can turn up to 60 hours a week but very few techs are doing that. Most of them that do are in a trans or brake shop where they do the same (type) job all day. Less variables makes for quicker work.
8-5 is a load of crap too. 8-6 3 days a week, 8-9 two days is closer to correct, throw in Saturdays for lots of guys as well. As far as the comment about it being as good as shift work at a plant. I sure as hell hope so. The guy putting nuts on studs all day or bolting a fender on has, maybe a h.s. education? Techs today have to go to school before they even start in most cases.
Which brings me to my next point:
HiTempguy wrote:
Even "with" $40k in tools. That's the cost of an education, but they get to work while they pay that.
That's $40K in tools, on top of the education before they start, that is just about a pre-req today. Once in the door there is continuing education, often paid by the dealer/shop, sometimes not. Then when you are in school you only get base pay (not flat rate) so it usually will cost $100 a day or so to be in school in lost wages.
Z31 said it almost right. No one KNOWS what the tech makes, shop, etc. they just know it costs THEM a ton of money. This is true but it isn't the tech bringing home the money like you guys think. In fact, he isn't even the one who sets the price. Typically he writes down the hours he can charge based on book time and the parts prices. The service writer adds crap on top of that so he can make his boat payment. All that crap added on top does not go to the tech either, he only gets his hourly pay based on the labor charged. The service writer is paid a commission based on R.O. total.
People (I am amazed it happens HERE, I thought we all wrenched on our own cars, but I guess there's plenty of check-book racers here too) always like to rip on techs because "it's so easy". Yet they are the bafoons bringing the car to me because they don't know to use a relay when wiring up fog lights or something that a technician teaches his 4 year old daughter. The tech is not the enemy here. Most techs I know are the guys to pull over on I-75 to help a stranded motorist, after working on cars all day.
Sorry for getting you riled up Dr. Boost, in the land north of you known as Canada, a journeyman mechanic at a typical dealership gets paid $30-$35/h, having gone through a 4 year apprentice program (2 months of school for year, normally paid for by the shop you work for). Mechanics still have a LOT of value up here. And, uh, yes, I know a ton of qualified, certified mechanics... I'd say half of my friends are them 
Sorry, I guess I should have clarified; here in Canada (western side anyways), being a mechanic is a good job, that has regulations for its practices, and commands a respectable sum of money! I should have become a mechanic, and was well on my way there but figured I didn't want to work on cars the rest of my life. I'd have a house right now and be racing to my hearts content if I would have stuck with it!
I have 40k of tools and have never worked as a professional mechanic. Shadetree hackjob is enough to keep me busy and my nails dirty. Snap-On doesn't come cheap, but its so worth it.
5/30/11 10:32 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
Sorry for getting you riled up Dr. Boost, in the land north of you known as Canada, a journeyman mechanic at a typical dealership gets paid $30-$35/h, having gone through a 4 year apprentice program (2 months of school for year, normally paid for by the shop you work for). Mechanics still have a LOT of value up here. And, uh, yes, I know a ton of qualified, certified mechanics... I'd say half of my friends are them
Sorry, I guess I should have clarified; here in Canada (western side anyways), being a mechanic is a good job, that has regulations for its practices, and commands a respectable sum of money! I should have become a mechanic, and was well on my way there but figured I didn't want to work on cars the rest of my life. I'd have a house right now and be racing to my hearts content if I would have stuck with it!
No apologies necessary ('cept by me maybe). I get riled up when I hear people ripping on mechanics for charging so much money when the tech doesn't "charge" anything. He is paid according to a book he has nothing to do with and deals with it when it takes more than the book time.
I wish conditions where like that here. I feel a master certified mechanic should be paid 30-35 an hour since, as you know, this isn't a job most people want or could do if they had to. And usually, the people bitching the loudest are ticked because they tried to do a timing belt or set up diff gears and after boogaring things up took it to a tech and paid more than they think it's worth.
On that note, I'll tell a story that the techs here will love, though I've told it before.
This was long ago in the before times so the details may be a bit sketchy by now.......
I get a 1st gen Talon TSI in my stall for some maintenance work, I'm pretty sure it was valve cover gasket and plugs/wires (due to the valve cover gasket). I try to upsell a timing belt due to mileage. It may have been a bit before the scheduled time but I'm not sure. The customer declined the work and when he came to pick up the car gave me quite the earfull. He said I was trying to rob him because his timing belt was just fine and he didn't need it. I explained that these are interference engines and what that means and that I see these things break often, he just got more pissed off and threatened to call the news station on me because I'm robbing people blind and all that jazz.
I decided against putting a cylinder hone where the sun don't shine and he went on his merry way. Well, fast forward a few months and i get a talon tsi coming in on the hook. Customer complaint: crank, no start. I turn the key and know right away it's a broken timing belt. I look up the service history and, wouldn't you know it. It's the same car. So, I call the customer (well, the writer does) and tell him he needs a new engine and it would be a few grand. He actually buys the engine (new, not reman, YEAH BABY!!). I pull the head off and I see
(pics taken after very thorough cleaning)
The guy comes to get crap out of his car in a few days. The guy won't even look me in the eyes. I didn't say a word to him, though I should have.
5/30/11 10:32 p.m.
Sorry for the threadjack.
5/31/11 12:29 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
HiTempguy wrote:
Sorry for getting you riled up Dr. Boost, in the land north of you known as Canada, a journeyman mechanic at a typical dealership gets paid $30-$35/h, having gone through a 4 year apprentice program (2 months of school for year, normally paid for by the shop you work for). Mechanics still have a LOT of value up here. And, uh, yes, I know a ton of qualified, certified mechanics... I'd say half of my friends are them
Sorry, I guess I should have clarified; here in Canada (western side anyways), being a mechanic is a good job, that has regulations for its practices, and commands a respectable sum of money! I should have become a mechanic, and was well on my way there but figured I didn't want to work on cars the rest of my life. I'd have a house right now and be racing to my hearts content if I would have stuck with it!
No apologies necessary ('cept by me maybe). I get riled up when I hear people ripping on mechanics for charging so much money when the tech doesn't "charge" anything. He is paid according to a book he has nothing to do with and deals with it when it takes more than the book time.
I wish conditions where like that here. I feel a master certified mechanic should be paid 30-35 an hour since, as you know, this isn't a job most people want or could do if they had to. And usually, the people bitching the loudest are ticked because they tried to do a timing belt or set up diff gears and after boogaring things up took it to a tech and paid more than they think it's worth.
On that note, I'll tell a story that the techs here will love, though I've told it before.
This was long ago in the before times so the details may be a bit sketchy by now.......
I get a 1st gen Talon TSI in my stall for some maintenance work, I'm pretty sure it was valve cover gasket and plugs/wires (due to the valve cover gasket). I try to upsell a timing belt due to mileage. It may have been a bit before the scheduled time but I'm not sure. The customer declined the work and when he came to pick up the car gave me quite the earfull. He said I was trying to rob him because his timing belt was just fine and he didn't need it. I explained that these are interference engines and what that means and that I see these things break often, he just got more pissed off and threatened to call the news station on me because I'm robbing people blind and all that jazz.
I decided against putting a cylinder hone where the sun don't shine and he went on his merry way. Well, fast forward a few months and i get a talon tsi coming in on the hook. Customer complaint: crank, no start. I turn the key and know right away it's a broken timing belt. I look up the service history and, wouldn't you know it. It's the same car. So, I call the customer (well, the writer does) and tell him he needs a new engine and it would be a few grand. He actually buys the engine (new, not reman, YEAH BABY!!). I pull the head off and I see
(pics taken after very thorough cleaning)
The guy comes to get crap out of his car in a few days. The guy won't even look me in the eyes. I didn't say a word to him, though I should have.
...so what did he end up spending on a new engine and installation???
My 2000 Civic DX beater was on its original timing belt at 140k--hooray deferred maintenance from the p/o.
Getting a new a/c compressor tomorrow. $5-600. 
5/31/11 7:10 a.m.
I can't remember for sure, but the figure $3,000 sticks in my head....
pstrbrc wrote:
Way to go, DT&B. Get the professional mechanic riled up agin.
Wowzers looks like I sure did kick up an angry hornets nest. What I was saying was more in the vein of 'Car owner sees problem/ car owner thinks of overly complicated yet absolutely asinine fix because he thinks the repair can't be as simple as replacing a relay or fuse, due to the fact that he has to pay a lot at a mechanic to have it fixed.' So... ripping on the PO idiot, not mechanics. But it could be taken either way I suppose.