As far as what SVRex said:
Your attitude will show whether you think it does or not.
I used to have an attitude problem. The "surly mechanic" stereotype. I was a real jackass, I didn't need anyone and if they needed me, screw those guys. Looking out for number 1 after all.
I had roommates with the same garbage attitude and outlook on life. The world is out to screw you so do unto others before they do unto you.
My manager at one time (The guy I followed to a couple jobs and worked with for over 12 years) and I were talking, I was complaining about my life situation and he said something to me: "You are the average of the five people you hang around with".
It made me think.
I started making some changes in my life. I started trying to find the good in situations, finding good in other people. I divorced those E36 M3ty friends and things started to get better.
I had a better attitude, more self-confidence, started hanging around with better people who wanted others to do better as well.
This wasn't an overnight thing, it took years and a lot of hard, painful realizations. It really sucks to find out that you're not nearly as E36 M3-hot as you think you are.
I'm not done by any means, I've still got a lot of personal stuff I'm working through but I'm trying to be a better person every day. I've made a habit of writing down something I'm grateful for every morning, even if it's as simple as having another day to try and be better than the last one.
Stop reading the news so much. The news is just a mirror of the world's ugliness. They never tell you about all the good things that are happening in the world. Yes, there's lots of bad things going on but there have been since the dawn of time. Overall the world is actually a better place than it was 20 years ago.
Hell, you live in North America. You're already richer than 90% of people on this planet.
You can take or leave any of this, you're free to think I'm an idiot or some crazy hippie but I can tell you, my life started getting a lot better when I stopped looking for reasons for the world to be an awful place.