8/30/16 9:52 a.m.

something appears to have been disentegrating/dissolving the flapper. The seal below looks pretty swollen/messed up too, but it's hard to tell on quick inspection. Toilet has started running the past few days and the cause is obvious now. I've been gone till late last night otherwise would have checked sooner.
so, uh, R&R is straightforward but I'd like to figure out what in the flying foxtails caused it. and definitely stop drinking the DC tap water in the mean time. 
Do you put some kind of cleaning tablet in there?
Huckleberry wrote:
Do you put some kind of cleaning tablet in there?
this. Those chlorine tablets will eat a lot of flappers.
How old ? Could be normal. quality of the water ? There are things to put in the tank to help prevent this.
Forget what they are called.
Why are you using a chicken for a toilet flapper??!?
8/30/16 10:14 a.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
Why are you using a chicken for a toilet flapper??!?
No kidding, I pulled the cover this morning and my first thought was "AHH! WHY IS THERE BIRD MEAT IN THE TANK?!"
I was expecting to see an upper decker.
8/30/16 10:30 a.m.
I don't think we had chlorine tabs in there. Possibly our bi-monthly cleaners drop in something. Does look like there's chlorine in the DC supply water. I'm almost positive it's the original flapper from '07/'08 when the condo was built.
Has you toilet been visiting Antarctica?

(somewhat vague movie reference)
Chlorinated tap water does not effect flappers. Cleaning products in the toilet tank do. They play havoc with the fill valves as well.
8/30/16 12:26 p.m.
Jerry From LA wrote:
Chlorinated tap water does not effect flappers.
I do not believe that's unequivocally true. I'm on city water and don't use cleaning tablets or additives in the tank. My flappers last about 5 years.
The valve was stuck running once. I pulled the lid off and a frog was staring at me. Caught it and turned it loose in the garage.
Much as modern gasoline is designed to destroy IC engines, so too is city water designed to destroy your plumbing. It's all to stimulate the economy, so I wouldn't get too upset about it.
8/30/16 3:20 p.m.
You'd get upset too if you lifted the lid and thought an alien had invaded the tank. 
I can't see the photo and now I want to after all this talk
8/30/16 4:44 p.m.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
I can't see the photo and now I want to after all this talk
Agreed. I never thought I'd feel so much anticipation to see a horror pic of someone's can.
Dr. Hess wrote:
The valve was stuck running once. I pulled the lid off and a frog was staring at me. Caught it and turned it loose in the garage.
Follow up question... did he grow from a tadpole in there or are there gaps in your memory involving a few drinks, a kiss and a handsome prince?
No idea, Walt. It was at my extra house in a bathroom that is largely unused. I suspect he crawled up through the septic system.
Plumbers call those tabs toilet mints. Yes flappers will dissolve in city water, in well water, in tanks with or without mints. Replace it with a Korky and your good for another 5 years. Make sure the sealing lip the flapper sits against doesn't have a build up of rubber from the old flapper. Run your fingers around it to make sure its clean and flat.
8/31/16 8:53 a.m.
Pic fixed. I hope. google photos is a pain in the arse. trying Flickr now.
replaced the flapper, but it still leaks down to the bowl. I did make sure there was a good seal of the flapper.
Seams like the black gasket below the flapper has also disintegrated. Is that a pretty universal part, or do I need the specific one for this toilet? It's a kohler and that part number is 83996 based on the diagram under the tank lid.
aircooled wrote:
Has you toilet been visiting Antarctica?
(somewhat vague movie reference)
The Thing?
I lived in the town where and when that was being filmed.
bluej wrote:
I met a gal once, that looked something like that, chain and all!
8/31/16 10:55 a.m.
for $20, I just ordered a whole new flush valve. thanks amazon.
I suddenly don't want to drink my water either...and I am in falls church