davidjs wrote:
mattmacklind wrote:
I get them seasonally. I also had an infestation on my front porch for some reason. I use this and it works ver quickly.
Agreed - you have to knock them on their ass outside... if you don't treat the colony they'll just keep sending more...
This stuff works, just moved into a foreclosed house and had to evict all the little residents. Weeks of sprays did nothing, put those around the house and within a week they were all gone. Been 3 weeks ant free now. I have of course been religious about clean at the same time.
We're (N.Georgia/outskirts of Atlanta Metro) actually doing something a little odd..we just let em go. After fighting cockroaches in every place either of us lived in (central Marietta), we noticed that as long as we have ants, we don't have cockroaches. The ants aren't in the bedrooms, they just kind of hang out around where the garbage pail is in the kitchen. We sprinkle some baking soda around the places where we don't want them, and just kinda let them do their thing in the places we don't really care about.
We've both spent so much time in the "low-rent" district of our fine city's suburbs that we've both had dreams of a swarm of ants slowly tearing a living cockroach apart. And neither of us considered it a "nightmare". 
One more vote for Terro. I lived in a house with slobby roommates so the house had crazy amounts of ants and that stuff worked great.
Also look up "Killed By Ants" by The Briefs