Just watched Garage Squad for the first time last night. They were working on a el Camino. I dont know how the other episodes went but after watching this one Its just another show I will pass on.
I would think the producers would know car people watch the show unless its a new scripted reality comedy show.
Many of those shows do seem to assume that the viewers of the show has just switched over from TLC and they must keep their attention.
Moving the other direction, the Graveyard Cars show, which has quickly given up on the whole "graveyard" angle, was a crap show of irritating behaviors. The recent shows seem to actual spend a bit more time on actual facts and information (the main guy in the show knows a stupid amount about Mopars). It's still got some stupid stuff, but as an example, one show gave an example of how many color coats where required to fully cover a primer color which was interesting.
I was waiting for the right rear tire to pop on camera and see how they explained it.
I cant watch any of those shows, You can tell its all scripted, I will have to stick with How Its Made with their porn music but actually learn something.
I liked working on the few Monster Garages, Jesse wasn't about to be bullied by the producers, It showed by how popular the show was and how abruptly it ended.
Even "Rides" was ok at first then when I talked to one of the people who had a car built on a episode, and how unhappy he was with the car and builder he dumped the car as soon as the obligation was up.
Had a couple people I know get their cars messed up on Overhaulin, My Girlfriend wanted to submit my car. I told her if it ever disappears out of the storage spot and it ends up on the show they own it!
I find the tall skinny guy Bruno?? To be annoying on scripted tv. He is on another show and I equally as bad. I have seen him live and he seems great. But the scripted stuff he comes across as fake and forced.
Then again it is all fake and forced scripted for tv so I guess he is actually nailing it.

Type Q
9/16/16 7:35 p.m.
MulletTruck wrote:
Had a couple people I know get their cars messed up on Overhaulin....
I curious what the definition of messed up is in this circumstance. Are there any stories you can share?
MulletTruck wrote:
I cant watch any of those shows, You can tell its all scripted, I will have to stick with How Its Made with their porn music but actually learn something.
Recording an album of porn music is on my bucket-list, but I'd never actually considered it may be marketable outside of the porn industry.
One of the first car was an olds, they took it to a parking lot and did burnouts until it popped both headgaskets, Then they drove it another 30 miles in traffic with no water in it and to fix it they just slapped new gaskets in it without checking the heads, both were warped, They started leaking almost right away and the work was terrible.
Another one was a Chrysler 300 wagon, My friend gave them the car and told them what his wife didnt want, They took that list as a challenge and they had to take the blower off and put regular door handles back on because there was no way to lock the doors with the touch panels, They also took a lot of the smog equipment off along with rear view mirrors and licence plates. They had the car 2 months trying to get it sorted and he ended selling the car and getting his wife a stock one.
A teacher had her little chevy 2 done and they had the car for 7 months to get it right.
They are just a really expensive pimp my ride.
dean1484 wrote:
Then again it is all fake and forced scripted for tv so I guess he is actually nailing it.
9/19/16 1:04 a.m.
I don't think Garage Squad is all that bad. It's simple, without many silly scripted side stories. There are plenty of other shows that are much more ridiculous out there.
gamby wrote:
I don't think Garage Squad is all that bad. It's simple, without many silly scripted side stories. There are plenty of other shows that are much more ridiculous out there.
There are way worse car shows out there.
while traveling for work i usually end up with Discovery channel on in the hotel room and although im not much of a fan of Fast N' Loud i do like Aaron, i feel like he gave into the gimmicky-ness early in the show but now doesnt really want anything to do with the camera's, he just wants to build cool stuff.
I usually tend to stick to roadkill and dirt every day.