9/28/14 10:31 a.m.
Was it always like this? I'm watching them take an ATV and basically make a jeep out of it. Seriously. They bought a new Polaris Razor ATV and they are adding sound systems, LED lights winches and a bunch of other crap to this vehicle. Whats the point? I guess people modify these ATVs like this? Seems ridiculous.
They did some silly Skype thing with the duplicolor people. Argghh, I can't take this contrived product placement crap, is that all these shows are anymore?
Been that way for awhile now....
The power nation switch is about a year old now.
Yeah, as far as I can remember product placement has been a big part of the shows. As far as ATVs, that would just be an extension of the off-road shows they did.
yeah. it's been about a year... and all the "all new episodes" that they've been showing all summer have been repeats..
about the only real high point since they reshuffled everything was when Ian built a rollcage worthy of a rock crawler in a NASA spec Focus rally car..
9/28/14 10:27 p.m.
Those shows have always been product placement......and the UTV craze of the last few years is due to more people buying them as dedicated off road vehicles than building trucks/SUVs to do the same. Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler. They're also great for narrower trails.
yamaha wrote:
Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler.
And cost about the same as those combined.
Ranger50 wrote:
yamaha wrote:
Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler.
And cost about the same as those combined.
Haha no a Teryx is about $15k and an RZR is about $20k (OW!). While you could buy a good few quads for that price, it's tough to build a trophy truck or rock crawler for under 6 digits. And you definitely can't BUY one for under 6 digits.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Sarcasm just doesn't convey the same over the Internet....
Those things aren't much smaller than my 87 4Runner that I paid $1000 for.
Those side by sides are bigger than an original Jeep.
Here is a comparison
1946 Willys Jeep vs John Deere Gator! - Dirt Every day:
9/29/14 1:18 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
There was a guy that just bought a Terex locally and ended up needing a full body and front suspension within a day......he has a motox course at his house for his kids....and the Terex didn't quite clear a double...