Anybody know anything about Gesswein Beadblasters?
I'm going to look at one of these this morning. It's a small unit that I'm guessing was used by a jeweler or something. I have access to a friends full size blasting cabinet for larger items like wheels, but I'd like to have something smaller at home that I can dedicate to less abrasive media.
I wrote to Gesswein with the model number and they said that it was discontinued long ago and they have no information on it. I'm sure that I can scale it up with Harbor Freight components if I need to, and yes, I know what complete HF systems are going for (cheap). I'm wondering if I've found something special or not.
Anybody used one of these?

Was it made in Germany? If so, it is better.
I'm not sure, though I think that Gesswein was the distributor, not the manufacturer.
I now own this. More to come...
Woody wrote:
I now own this. More to come...
Cool! Keep me posted, I am interested in hearing about it. I am in the market for a new blaster.
Gasoline wrote:
Woody wrote:
I now own this. More to come...
Cool! Keep me posted, I am interested in hearing about it. I am in the market for a new blaster.
This is a very old blaster (no website listed on data plate). I haven't been able to find any info on it.
What I meant was that the data plate predates the inclusion of a web address.
I've been on their site, but this unit is no longer available. I emailed the company and they said that they no longer have any information on it. It sounds like they were the distributor, not the manufacturer.