Kids are awake and wiggling around in the next bedroom over. They can't get up for another 33 minutes. We have rules! In the spare minutes I thought I'd start this annual GRM fun thread. I think I just got socks, but we'll see in half an hour.
So what did you get?
Warm socks, my family, and a screen mirroring head unit for the company car so far.
Merry Christmas y'all!
A beautiful woman got me a G29 steering wheel, an old WRX seat, and GT sport and said you can figure out the rest lol, I’ll see what I can figure out once I get done with work.
Have great holidays everyone!!!!
We had our Christmas yesterday because of scheduling. I got an ipad mini loaded with Foreflight. SWMBO got jewelry, kids got new house stuff; a humidifier, tools etc.
Merry Christmas folks! 

Two bottles of Macallan 12 and one of Hendrick's.
I got an R63 lifter back in May! It was the first ornament on the tree. 
No kiddos, so we are having a leisurely morning and haven't opened gifts yet.
Ours started at 7:30.
Mrs. Android and I (teh tech support dept) are still setting up devices and game consoles.
Thank God for coffee!
*Edit*- I got a record player and a few records. My puzzled kids asked why- I told them a record player was my xbox when I was their age 
Holy E36 M3, im gonna be a biological uncle!!!
One of you posted a special blind rivet removal tool in the Airstream thread and Mrs. Deuce bought it for me! Thanks to whoever that was.
Ah the good old days... my son is still asleep; he may have gone to work overnight for awhile though (snow plowing). Daughter is lying on the couchwith her cat and phone, un-interested in opening anything.
My son got her a Red Ryder BB gun for her birthday (Friday). She still hasn't shot her eye out thanks to eye protection, and they've been bonding all weekend with shooting tournaments. 
12/25/17 8:43 a.m.
Haven't been over to the GF's yet, but she gave me an early gift Friday (thanks Amazon!). Blacked headlight housings for the WRX.

Donations to Puerto Rico relief. The only present we asked for.
1/24 scale rc rockcrawlers for me and my twins. There first hobby grade rc. Socket organizers and the christmas tradition of another pocket knife. Relaxing as the kids play before meal prep starts.
Kobalt cordless impact, a spare battery, and a set of metric and sae impact sockets and extensions.
Pioneer double DIN head unit, and a syma mini drone to terrorize the cats...
SWMBO didn't trust me to get her gifts right, so I spent last night wrapping the unopened boxes she got herself from Amazon...
Round 1 was here, I got a Little Mermaid tree ornament (don't ask). A hammer and a tool bag, lots of car cleaners and air fresheners (I wonder if the creatures are trying to tell me something).
Tiger Mom got me a battery tool combo kit last month on black friday when I needed it so that was my big gift. She got a membership to a boxing club/gym.....I should be worried for them.
Son got a helmet to commemorate his coming of age (next month) to autocross with me.
does buying myself a boat count? Nobody else in my immediate family makes all that much money. Mom, Dad, and Sister are all on small fixed incomes, I got a few presents that probably hurt them more than what it cost me to play santa to my two my two nieces.
12/25/17 10:39 a.m.
I got a set of MCS double adjustable shocks/struts for the E36 M3. They'd already be on the car if I hadn't been sick the last two weeks!
I got a Dinan/RMS Stage 2 Vortech supercharger kit for the E36 M3. Almost complete, need to buy a tune for it.
I got a set of Race Ramps for the 4 post lift. Much easier dealing with an 8lb ramp vs a 30lb+ ramp.
12/25/17 10:45 a.m.
My wife and I were married at the end of April, 2016, and we're both a bit older for a first marriage. My younger (only) brother is a public defender and JP in NH, and performed our outdoor wedding.
We had printed out the vows we wrote w/ our lines highlighted on two cards (one copy each). Apparently he kept them, and he and his girlfriend had them matted in a very nice frame w/ a great picture of the ceremony, and gave it to us.
Coincidentally, my aunt had just started cutting onions for lunch prep right at the same time..
Got a set of dueling drones. Little cheap things from brookstone but my first drone and super fun to fly.
12/25/17 11:19 a.m.
Makita 3/8” impact gun and reciprocal saw to go with the drill and 1/2” impact I already have, all the same 18v. Carhart flannel lines pants and shirt, Patagonia hat, shoes, electrical crimpers and an ornament of my 89 Civic race car
12/25/17 12:31 p.m.
A couple of Blipshift shirts, a Blipshift magnetic track set for my shop fridge and a MS2 for the Europa 1.8t.
We go a little overboard with gifting, so here are the highlights:
I got winter-weight running clothes since I live in MI and refuse to use a dreadmill.
My wife (AW) got a partially-assembly resto-mod 2003 LeMond Tourmalet road bike. Reynolds 853 FTW. Look for a build thread before New Years.
My older daughter (AK1) got a Nikon D3400 DSLR kit. She's in 10th grade and wants to shoot for the yearbook.
My younger daughter (AK2) got an Xbox something or other.
The family gift was a nice soundbar for the basement TV.
I'm excited for us all. I'm really looking forward to seeing AK1 learn photography. I will try to get her to shoot the rest of the bike build. I'm also looking forward to biking with AW come springtime.
A beautiful day, morning church, and a grilled cheese with ham.....