It isn't just the sidebar and the "attitude" hasn't been just from Tim B. It seems to have come from just about everyone from Tim S. on down. WE didn't decide to roll out a new web forum in the midst of the busy season, you did.
All the hub bub has been an unintended consequence of a change that you guys were hoping to be met with open arms. When we didn't view the changes with awe you all got defensive and dictatorial. And while it is your right to put this together anyway you want, it is also our right to bitch if it is intended for our use rather than just your on personal use.
A forum doesn't make money just by virtue of being a forum (other than S2ki and it sux), it has other purposes. For GRM the other purposes is the community that it builds and THAT is what makes the money.
My point is that attitude is diluting the glue of that community and it is having unintended consequences with much longer term problems than being civil and at least pretending to listen to and accomodating to some degree your intended market.
Underneath this may be a technological marvel that solves ALL of your problems, but on the surface the interface with real subscription paying (and advertising supporting) people is less than perfect. I am sure you didn't expect it to be perfect and you are a little miffed that we all seem to be ingrates. Sorry bout that, but we're only human.
I am not one of those guys who hates change, but I am one of those that expects a change to be an improvement and not simply a change.
I have hardly said a thing prior to this thread, I have simply not frequented the forum much. Discount the threads bitching about the format and look at your post count/hits, are there a lot like me that have just cut way back on GRM? If you have all the hits you want then tell us all to go to hell and we will.
The side bar problem is basically one of readability. The side bar width and forum minimum width is wider than many of our screen widths. The text rolls off the right hand side and we have to scroll side to side as well as up and down. This makes it very hard to read. That shouldn't be a hard fix, simply make the forum width able to go narrower and voila the new collective size will fit window sizes better. It just that it would make the forum appear to be an afterthought to another advertising page. As someone else said, it's the messages that count.
As far as the B cup being a problem, well they say that anything over a mouthful is wasted. So how big is your mouth? C cup? D cup? EEE?
My mama always told me my eyes were always bigger than my mouth. That might be the case here. Now go in there pat your wife on the head, tell her you love her and then let her wonder what you did wrong.