This is your annal get your flu shot warning. Somehow I missed mine with travel and holy tar is this year bad. I have been in bed for almost 42 hours at this point and all I can get down is water and gram crackers and small amounts of soup. Pain in my legs and body was unbelievable. Ended up in urgent care and maybe hospital and still may if I cannot keep food sown soon.
Doc says this year is especially bad but they got the flu shot right this year and mostly everyone is covered. You do not want this. I am down almost 5lbs which is mostly water wight I know but this sucks.
wearymicrobe said:
This is your annal get your flu shot warning.
I usually get mine in my arm.
Get well soon. I’ve had a sinus infection this week and really don’t want much worse.
I am going to leave that up to show just how out of it I am. I can barely even type at this point.
Feel better soon! I got mine in late October because I had some air travel ahead of me, and there's nothing like being stuck in a steel tube with 150 other people for 4 hours to spread diseases.
How old are you and what is your general health condition?
Hope you are on the mend, that sounds truly awful. Gonna have to check out that flu shot this year...
In reply to wearymicrobe :
I got mine early but it doesn’t protect me from Bronkitis which lasts about 3-4 weeks twice already. ( thank you 529 students).
Been to the doctor who tells me it’s viral and shots don’t do anything. Gave me pills for the coughing but told me over the counter works just as well.
They made the shots mandatory this year at work so I just went ahead and got it.
Most of us think of the flu as a big nasty cold, but it really does kill the elderly and infirm each year. (Since we know microbe is a relative youngster, we just have to hope he isn't "too" infirm
It can also kill the young and healthy if their immune system gets confused. "Cytokine storm" is a cool band name and also a mechanism through which the flu can kill the otherwise fully healthy.
Wife nutty over this stuff.
But the internet’s told me that these shots give me the autism. I don’t want to get the autism.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
But the internet’s told me that these shots give me the autism. I don’t want to get the autism.
No, you're good. Once you've had it, you build up an immunity to it and you can't get it again.
smokindav said:
How old are you and what is your general health condition?
36, 5' 11, about 10% BF and 195lb's as of this morning. I will survive this. It just sucks. Just took another 3 hour nap and now getting into tub. I took a few days off next week ahead of this where I was going to install my lifts but now I think I am just going to sleep a bit more.
Happy it is now and not in the holiday proper time as we have 100's of people we will be seeing.
Been listening to amazon movies most fo last night so at least I keep myself ocpide. Wife is sick now with something else as well. Its like a 1950's lung ward around here.
That sucks, my wifes chrones medicin compromises her immune system so our entire family gets the flu shot every year.
In reply to Suprf1y :
Yes. Mostly for those in a care or medical profession.
12/17/17 3:16 p.m.
I get the flu shot primarily to protect my mom and dad. My brother works in it at a hospital and got his shot but he is currently down with the flu right now.
Friend of mine has it. He is very rarely sick, and I can't recall him taking a day off in years. He was out all last week. Said he couldn't concentrate.
One year my wife and son both got the stomach flu and they got up at 2am sicker than dogs. I got up and ran buckets and washcloths and 7up/Tylenol to both of them thinking it will hit me in 24 hours - never got sick.
Last time I had the stomach flu nobody else in the house got it. Strange thing this virus.
I've been getting them since I parted ways with my spleen.
Bonus points because work does them for free, bonus bonus points for my favorite pharmacist getting a chance to stab me.
12/17/17 6:02 p.m.
I got a flu shot once. I got the flu. Never again.
Too late - I came down with the "man-flu" last Friday night. It was Sunday afternoon before I realized I'd not eaten anything in that time frame. Fortunately nothing came back up, but it's been going straight out the other side since then. Finally Wednesday afternoon I started feeling sorta normal for the first time, but I've still been fighting a cough, chills, and headache off & on since then.