I am upgrading my Canon PowerShot SD1300IS. I bought it from Best Buy (best deal at the time) and because of the extended warrenty, i can turn in my camera for cash value add my own cash and upgrade. They will give me what i paid for it.
So i have to buy something BestBuy carries. Thats not a problem.
Ill have to look again at whats out there but not too long ago i had my heart set on the newest Canon Powershot S100.
No DSLR. Must have rechargeable battery. Under $400 (or there abouts).
Any ones im overlooking? (im slightly canon biased)
Any input?
Why no DSLR?
You are talking about the micro 4/3rds cameras if you want smaller with interchangeable lens
4/4/12 11:41 p.m.
I've been happy with what I assume to be the 2009 version of this:
It's still more capable than I am, but I've had fun shooting with it as a civilian at Indy and Mid-Ohio mostly, but also some museums, etc.
Find out what DPreview has to say.
Canon EOS Rebel DSLR. You won't regret it.
Micro 4/3, the market tends to be going in that direction.
I'd also suggest any camera that allows 1080p HD video.
Nikon AW100 Coolpix. Use it as a Go-Pro.
For non-DLSR's, I greatly prefer anything Olympus makes. They are fast, have great lenses, and are tough. I take over 10K pics a year, and most of them are on site at autocrosses, drag races, rallies, you name it. I have a 4 year old Olympus that was smooshed by a boulder during a hike. It still works perfectly, but the LCD screen is out. Tough mothers.
Do not (and let me repeat this in bold), do NOT buy a Nikon non-DLSR! They are the most infuriating, frustrating, slow-ass, battery-draining POS's ever. We got a brand new one as a gift when Jav Jr was born and it literally takes a full 4 seconds to take a damn picture. I loathe that POS.
+1 on Olympus point-and-shoots. I have one that my wife gave me over 10 years ago. It still works, and it hasn't had an easy life.
4/5/12 1:06 p.m.
Canon point and shoots are always a solid bet. I'd get a G series Canon.
We have an Olympus Stylus 700 that just died on us after, I dunno, 6 years or so. Lens gears went out, which is not an uncommon problem, from what my google-fu skillz tell me. I am replacing it with a 14MP Olympus point and shoot for $111 on amazon. Add 8 bucks for a 8GB super high speed chip.
Canon SX40 HS (or the older SX30 IS) are pretty damn amazing for the money. Not as quick/responsive as a full DSLR, but crazy versatile and comes with a staggering lens for the package size. 24-840mm equivalent.
I've got an old SX3 IS that I still use as an all-in one. I sold my parents on the newer one for a recent trip to Africa for one of those photo safari things. Dad knows jack squat about cameras and came back with some of the most amazing shots I've ever seen, and everyone who was there with a "real" DSLR and 40 pounds of lenses was completely jealous of the zoom capability of that little sucker. Really, really cool all-in-one.

ok. edited the first post. interchangable point and shoot cameras are out.
Also, the reviews of the G12 are not all that great. The Powershot S100 reviews better...
also, DSLRs are out cause they are too clunky and big to haul around. If im going out or on the bike, or traveling i want something portable.
If i wont want to carry a big and expensive camera around then ill miss shots. If i have something i can carry everywhere ill be more apt to take pictures.
4/5/12 7:45 p.m.
Love my Canon S90. Portable, easy and idiot(me)-proof.
Reviews of the G12 may not be super, though in the ones I've read the major disappointment seems to be that it isn't a massive improvement over the G11. What I prefer about the G over the S is that it is much easier to use it in manual mode (which is all I do) because of the additional external controls. The optical viewfinder is also quite helpful for shots of moving targets.
4/6/12 4:27 a.m.
I have an older Canon S3IS that worked well and took nice photos. Kind of bulky for a point and shoot but it can do lots of custom settings too. I've moved on to a DSLR - the S2IS can be yours cheeeeeep once I find it and make sure it still works. PM me if you're interested.
I have got my heart set on a Canon SX230HS as an upgrade from my 960is. 14x optical zoom, built in GPS photo tagging, 1080p video, all in a package that will slide into a small pocket. BB has it, I fondle it sometimes when I am in there.
That G12 and S100 were played with yesterday at the store. That G12 is a honkin camera. The S100 had no battery in it so i only got to touch it not so much play with it. 
Looks like im staying in the Canon line.
Not sure about the sx40hs yet. size wise i might as well get a DSLR if i get that.
any other input? in new canon lineup is there a ringer?