By my wife's count we went through nearly 700 pieces of candy tonight. Popular costumes this year: Batman/Batgirl, Mario Brothers, Darth Vader, cheerleaders, princes, TMNT, Hulk, police officers, random scary things. Seemed like we also had less older kids and more younger kids. By 9 p.m., we were cleaning up.
One kid showed up with the small family pack breakfast cereal boxes glued to a bloody sweatshirt:
"I'm a Cereal Killer".
We gave out a fair amount, but it was quieter than it was last year. I walked with my youngest so didn't see all the costumes.
This was my son. We weren't sure what to call him, but everyone seemed to like it.

We had more older kids this year and later in the night. Turned off the light at 9
I'm a terrible person. 
We've never had a single trick-or-treater in the 2 prior Halloweens we've lived in this neighborhood. We've wound up eating the candy we bought ourselves, like I need to be eating candy. SWMBO is out of town, I'm home alone, last thing piggy Lee needs is free reign of candy.
I'm sitting on the couch binge watching Homeland, and the door bell rings. Son-of-a... You've gotta be kidding me. I had to tell the cutest little ~3 year old pink fairy/princess and her mom that their terrible neighbor didn't have any candy. 

I turned the porch light off, and started plotting moving out of this neighborhood again.
I had 2 kids show up. If I were a nice guy, I would have showered them with candy, but instead I kept 38 pieces of my 40 pack to eat myself.
I live in the sticks. No trick or treaters there.
But I'm not at home. Boston is a great town for Halloween. I could say more, but this isn't the thread for that.
We had a Storm Trooper. He complained that he didn't get an apple in his haul 

In the eleven years I have lived in this house I have had 2 trick or treaters that weren't drunk teenagers.
I took the missus and a friend to the theater. A local tango band was performing in front of the screen while they played Nosferatu. It was awesome.
My kids were with there grandfather because he lives in a better area for trick or treat so we left the porchlight off and watched movies. Figured the cold wet weather wouldnt bring many people this far out anyway.
As is our custom we bought extra candy for Halloween and had no trick or treaters again. I think we have had a grand total of three in the almost 30 years my family has lived on this property. SWMBO likes the candy and who am I to get between a pregnant lady and candy. 
11/1/15 2:37 p.m.
Trick or treating is starting to take off in Australia. It was never a done thing where and when I was growing up.
This year I got quite a few visitors. The kids seem to really enjoy it, and put in effort so I don't mind giving them some lollies for their trouble.... That and the fact that I'm not the one that has to deal with them once the sugar high kicks in
Top marks to the mum who dressed up to. Most didn't bother and seemed to resent traipsing around after their rather happy kids
After work I took the wife to meet my sister's kids trick or treating. They went as Mary Poppins and Bert. Lots of parents along the way were dressed up. Two of the best houses had beer and wine for the parents and an elderly couple that put out coffee and donuts. I didn't know any of the people we ran into but everyone that had a costume had to ask why I didn't or what I was supposed to be. One mom in a schoolgirl outfit ran into us a couple times. The second time she asked I told her I was Jared from Subway. That seemed to stop her.

My son sent me a picture of his dog in a Batman costume. I suggested he may have issues.

Naaahhh, we're normbal. 

Helped with our Elks lodge's annual haunted house - it's a 110-year old building, we decorate it extensively. This year it took 3 weeks to get set up. Over two nights we had 375 kids and adults, which is really great when you consider that the two towns in our rural county total 1800 inhabitants. We had people come from Denver (275 miles) to go through the haunted house. We got great reviews, it was really worthwhile to see the kids, and boy, are we glad it's over, tons of work - but worth every bit.
Now we start getting ready for Christmas, when we arrange personal in-home visits from Santa on Christmas Eve for about 300 kids throughout the county.