as we know, Christmas is about giving. So what is the gift that you gave someone that you enjoyed the most/ they enjoyed the most.
I gave the SO a new coffee table/ side table set from Ikea. A TV wall mount for our flat screen, and Inception on DVD.
I think she enjoyed them. YAY!
gave my Mom a new chair... wing back / recliner.... she actually cried....
back story: my Dad was raised with an alcoholic Father, so he grew up dreading weekends and holidays... that's when his pop would get drunk.... so he was never responsive to gift desires of others....
so Mom's mentioning in passing she'd like a new chair (the old one was at least 25YO) was just that a passing comment , never expecting anything from it ... even forgot she had said anything....
blew me away how she reacted 
I bought my wife a Nook. She's been dropping hints since last Christmas.
My kids are music lovers like me, and I always find them some interesting T shirts
This years were a 40 year old Blind faith, a Captain Beefheart, and Black keys road crew shirts