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Brian MegaDork
10/6/17 9:10 p.m.

Water, coffee, tea, and milk. Maybe V8. 

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/7/17 10:23 a.m.

I'm knocking on the back door of 300 pounds and my "ideal" weight is in the 200 pound range. I already have high blood pressure and my father has diabetes. I'm pretty sure I can afford to cut back on the sugars a little. Probably a lot. 

iceracer UltimaDork
10/7/17 10:33 a.m.

OJ.   No one has mentioned orange juice,  why ?    I have a glass full every morning with breakfast.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/7/17 10:38 a.m.

I love OJ but the acid in it sends me for the Tums bottle pretty quickly, so I have to drink it sparingly. 

OHSCrifle GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/7/17 10:51 a.m.

OJ is tremendously high in sugar.

Diabeetus isn't inherited. Dietary habits are though....

Green tea is what I like. Can't stand artificial sugars. Mostly drink water tbh.


Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
10/7/17 10:57 a.m.
iadr said:

Water is poison. Drinking it ages you like nothing else but hard drugs.


Totally. I prefer brawndo.  It's the thirst multilator. 

dculberson PowerDork
10/7/17 1:18 p.m.
iadr said:

Water is poison. Drinking it ages you like nothing else but hard drugs.

I didn't know this was a comedy thread. 

sleepyhead GRM+ Memberand Reader
10/7/17 1:49 p.m.

there's an adage that one of my favorite Health writers (James Hamblin) uses:
"the dose makes the poison"

this is from a couple of years ago re: sugar

possiby, if you're sick of drinking water... eat a peach  wink

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/8/17 2:13 p.m.

I've been trying to cut down in Diet Pepsis but don't like drinks without bubbles so I have mostly seltzer and a the ocassional Orangina or flavored SanPellegrino with orange. 

Trans_Maro PowerDork
10/8/17 2:34 p.m.
fasted58 MegaDork
10/8/17 6:23 p.m.

Not a real juice guy but I like CranApple for thirst quench, although sugar. For work I freeze two 1L bottles of water overnight, less a couple ozs. for expansion. If water only gets old I add some flavored powdered drink mix or Mio Vitamin liquid before freezing. Use only less than half the suggested amount tho, just to give it a little flavor. Don't like the idea of artificial sweetener or dyes tho. I'll typically drink 2-3 liters of ice water / shift. Keeps ya hydrated.

Gary SuperDork
10/8/17 7:14 p.m.

Flavored seltzer. But now the chemicals from the plastic bottles is a concern. So probably just plain tap water with ice. Boring. Off topic I know, but I'd much prefer a Beefeater martini, dry with a twist, with a Bordeaux chaser (full bottle of Bordeaux, that is). wink

nutherjrfan Dork
10/9/17 1:27 a.m.

NOS.  Tetleys British blend, hot with milk no sugar, pretty affordable at WM.  Coffee occasionally at work if I haven't had something that morning.  Not really into juice  I swear working in a restaurant serving bottomless mimosas every Sat. and Sun. morning chewed the skin off the thumb on my pouring hand and left other fingers split at times.  Not super scientific but haven't had the problem since I left there.  Although I do drink less beer now due to less stress from those yappy so and sos - how I hated those berkeleys. indecision

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
10/9/17 6:48 a.m.

I drink seltzer water most of the day. The best thing to hydrate you is water.

When I feel like mixing it up, I sometimes add a wedge of lemon or lime into it. Or I'll hit it with just a splash of ginger beer off the soda gun. For canned stuff, the flavored seltzer waters are pretty good too.

Willis New Reader
10/9/17 6:58 a.m.

Essance or Extracts. 

I was really bad with soda for a long time.  I finally put my foot down and committed to just drinking water.  ...and failed miserably.

My wife then found HINT waters, which were perfect for me.  Just the right amount of flavoring to keep me happy, and no junk.  She grew tired of buying those because they are expensive and started making her own using essance's or extracts.  Just a couple drops in my canteen and I'm pretty content.


Toebra HalfDork
10/9/17 10:27 p.m.
iadr said:

As has been said here before, diabetes can be inherited, and also rarely, but importantly, it can  communicated/acquired


Not to take this thread too far afield, but in this day and age, diabetes is more commonly aquired than inherited.


Water is not poison, much more typical to not get enough of it.


I like juice with club soda, cuts the sweetness a bit.  I also like Martinelli's apple juice, which is sweet enough it could probably make your pancreas fall out if you drank 2 or 3 of those little apple shaped bottles one right after the other.   

Jumper K. Balls
Jumper K. Balls PowerDork
10/10/17 9:27 a.m.

Looks like folks in this thread need to start differentiating between type one and type two diabetes. Type one is very much family history specific.

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