Went out on a nice Sunday morning ride on the bike this morning, beautiful day, slightly overcast but near perfect temps. Must have been a car show up in the mountains because the roads were filled with an awesome array of great old cars.
I'd show my appreciation with a hearty thumbs up. Most of the time it was returned with a wave or a thumbs up back.
On the way home a really nice looking, blue BRZ rolls up to a stop sign as I pass by. I look at him give him a thumbs up and he looks at me like I raped his oldest daughter.
Pisses me the berkeley off. I wanted to stop, punch him in the nose and tell him I liked his car as he was choking on his own teeth. What a dick...or maybe I'm the dick...either way it pisses me the berkeley off.
Cut him some slack. He's probably never had a cool car before. Oh wait....
I kind of do the same thing on the bike. I wave to anyone on two wheels. I get mad when people don't wave back. I know I shouldn't be angry, but I still do sometimes.
In reply to Appleseed:
It doesn't make me mad when bikers don't wave back. Kinda figure they are paying attention to whomever is trying to kill them at that second
I'll wave back as long as I'm not in the middle of something that I need my hands for.
I wave because it's who I am, and it's always nice when someone smiles or waves back. I don't care if they don't though, as they have just told me so much more about their character than a simple smile ever could have.
Wave on, my friend.
Exactly. I don't wave at bikes stopping or starting or going through curves. Strangely, I've never gotten a wave back from a scooter guy.
I waved at a kid today to thank him after he flashed his lights to warn me about a cop clocking traffic.
JoeyM wrote:
I waved at a kid today to thank him after he flashed his lights to warn me about a cop clocking traffic.
speaking of flashing your lights ..... I know a friend of mine with an '06 Subaru was able to turn off his daylight running lights .... can you do that for any and all the new cars ?
as long as you have daylight driving lights, you can't very well flash you lights at on coming traffic ...
yeah you can flash to high beams, but that's not nearly as noticeable as going from no lights to high beams and back to no lights
9/9/13 8:26 a.m.
Buy a Jeep(CJ/YJ/TJ), wave at everyone. JK owners haven't seemed to catch on yet.
beans said:
JK owners haven't seemed to catch on yet.
They never will. When the JK came out with 4doors and soccer moms started driving them the Jeep wave died. Unless its modded then JK owners don't wave, and even then not all the time.
Hell, I wouldn't care if the dude just ignored me or acted like he didn't see me, but the look he gave is what's burning me up. I can still see the douche in my head...maybe I need anger management 
9/9/13 9:04 a.m.
octavious wrote:
beans said:
JK owners haven't seemed to catch on yet.
They never will. When the JK came out with 4doors and soccer moms started driving them the Jeep wave died. Unless its modded then JK owners don't wave, and even then not all the time.
We have a new Wrangler. Honestly the wave kind of got old when I had my 87 wrangler, then when I got my 99 Cherokee none of the eliteist wrangler owners waved at me anymore, so when we got the new one I said berkeley it.... Between the bikes, Porsches, and Jeeps waving all the time can get a little old to be honest.
edit: I should add that I'm not a very social person anyway.
I always find it hilarious when I see a cool car on the freeway, and pull up alongside and give a big grin and a thumbsup. The driver of the cool car usually looks over and is startled by the guy next to him staring him down and waving and like a lunatic. Its only after the initial "OMFGWTFBBQSAUCE" moment that the guy usually figures out Im trying to compliment his car that he mouths "Thanks" and then takes off trying to get away from the raving mad man in the lane next to him.
I used to wave at other Miata drivers.
Then i realized it's way more fun to give them effeminate spirit fingers. The reactions are much better.
Ian F
9/9/13 9:09 a.m.
I was driving home from Watkins Glen yesterday through rural upstate PA in the Mini and passed a Studabaker coupe heading the other way. We exchanged waves.
When I rode most bikers would at least wave, point, nod. I figured they were the real deal.
After driving boring for so long I missed the props but DDing a Mustang GT now it's back. Crossed paths w/ a original appearing '67 Mustang coupe at a four way light. After I waved the driver turned around and followed me up the road to the next light. Mid-70s guy nodded and grinned. How cool.
My best wave experience was in my old '68 VW Type 3 Fastback. I saw a really clean mid-'70s 911 a little ways up the road so I decided to try to catch up to it an get a better look. He got stopped at a stoplight ahead so I pulled up in the lane next to him, and as I turned to give him the thumbs up I look and he's grinning and giving me the thumbs up. That made my day.
9/9/13 11:09 a.m.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
And by doing that is how I got to play around with a press tester in a white C7 vette this morning.....the new vette sounds good under WOT, but its no bike beater. 
Oddly enough, Harley riders rarely wave back to me, must be some deep rooted prejudice to anything more modern around here. 
9/9/13 12:04 p.m.
my best wave experience was totally unexpected ...
go N on US 29 towards VIR... I'm driving my '01 Integra (with a VIR sticker in the rear window) and a P-car .... a 911 ... something something (yeah I can't tell one from another) passes me and the driver waves ... total shock on my part ... after he pulled back to the rt. lane I flashed my lights a couple of times ... still in shock (the only way it would have been more of a shock would be if it had been a BMW 
i had a really old guy (riding shotgun in presumably his wife's beige camry) roll down his window and say he really liked my driving lamps (hella 500s) on the hyundai. not sure if a genuine compliment or a ploy to get me to let him merge in front of me. well it worked.
Ian F
9/9/13 1:08 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
When I rode most bikers would at least wave, point, nod.
Maybe it's a Northeast thing, but most of the bikers I see during my travels acknowledge each other when passing, regardless of the bike brand or type. There have been too many biker-car related deaths around here for biker-biker animosity.
In reply to failboat:
Maybe "hey there young man, I just wanted to compliment you on your driving lamps" is actually code for something else
Maybe the BRZ was a rental and he was from one of these Middle Eastern countries:
In reply to GameboyRMH:
You know something, the guy could have been middle eastern? He was a little on the darker side or he could have been Greek? Either way he is lucky I'm only a bad ass on the internet, or I would've shown him
9/9/13 2:36 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
I'll have to make sure to give the thumbs up when I am around middle easterners......berkeleying virginians and carolinians.......