Shameless self promotion here- I made the decision last May that being "a heavy guy" was no longer an excuse for me to be fat. I was sick and tired of my belts/pants getting bigger and my self esteem getting lower. It was literally a snap decision that I made one night- Bam. Done with it.
I started May 15th at 254lb and 5'11", just eating less but not changing what I ate, and mountain biking. I lost about 20lb and took a picture. From that point, I worked out... 5 days a week. Do something. anything. Get the heart going. I also cut everything processed out of my diet. I did a 'Whole30' and felt freaking amazing, so I kept on going with it. Nowadays, 95% of my meals are organic, locally sourced/pastured, and not preserved. It's not cheap, but I can honestly tell you that it's completely changed my life.
Picture of some of my progress. Keep in mind I was 20# heavier at my start-

I was 190 in that pic from February, for a 60+# weight loss. If I had to guess, I was around 15% body fat. Right now, I'm still 190, but I'm right around 10% bodyfat. Still going strong, still loving life, and most of all- confident.
I went from pre-diabetic with hypertension and on anxiety, heartburn, and blood pressure meds to nothing in a little over a year. I did nothing special. I know it's terribly polarizing, and I'm not pushing/advocated for it, but all I do now is Crossfit 5 days/week and not eat like E36 M3. It's so remedially simple when you break it down. Anyone can do it, and it doesn't take a liquid only diet to get you there.
Anyways. Just thought I'd share. If anyone wants more specifics as to my exact diet/anyhting else, I'd be happy to delve in. I'm now a certified personal trainer/nutritionist with NASM/ACSM/ISSA... Yes, it's changed my life THAT much, and I couldn't be happier.
As a side benefit, My Cobra Suzuka actually fits me nicely in the racecar too!