Might as well call science a load of horse E36 M3.
In reply to fritzsch:
Science isn't a load of horseE36 M3, junk science is. Claiming humans are responsible wholly for the upset of a system as complex as earth's climate is junk science. Science is about disproving your hypothesis, not cherry picking data to back it up.
Or to quote Feynman from The Character of Physical Law /Cornell Messenger Lectures "We never are right, we can only be sure we're wrong".
Curmudgeon wrote:
Let's face it, this type of pollution crap needs to stop. But let's stop it for its own sake, not through some half baked tenuous relationship with global temperatures.
And for the record, 1st world countries cleaning up their act will do NOTHING for the environment (globally) until China does. Is that a good excuse? No, but it's not like we can force China to do anything.
This kind of goes into a bit of a tangent, but I'd like to point out we haven't had a war between super powers in 60 odd years, which is flat out amazing. That's because all of our current problems have been minor. China is doing what it needs to to currently be successful, but lets be realistic, we can't force them to do anything they don't want, including clean up their act...
I don't want to get into this argument because I used to do this all day on Slashdot and I've learned that Max Planck had this problem figured out a long time ago and made a memorable quote about it...but you guys who think global warming is an international conspiracy aren't trying to answer your own questions. That's the only advice I give anymore.
It's already been proven that climate change is real and more to the point it's happened before, probably many times. Greenhouse gases are only one part of the puzzle and CO2 is only one part of that. FWIW, the #1 greenhouse gas is... water vapor. Good ol' clouds.
Methane is another, it comes mostly from termites and ruminant farts. Catalytic converters on moose, anyone? http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/global-warming-fears-norway-s-moose-population-in-trouble-for-belching-a-501145.html
NAAAAAWWWWSSSS is yet another GH gas.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Those are all discussed in climate change theory with explanations of their effects. IIRC they don't have the staying power of CO2.
True. Water vapor is #1 with a bullet but is comparatively unstable, it's easily removed and replenished from the atmosphere. CO2 goes through phase changes as well, plants break it down into carbon and oxygen. That's why many climate change models mention the destruction of rainforest etc as a contributing factor.
I think somebody turned off the pilot light.
1degree F. this morning. Not supposed to arm up much.
Okay, I'm done with this thread. Locked.
Go here if you want to argue with me: http://www.skepticalscience.com/
Climate change is real, humans obviously have an effect, that article linked in the first post confirms this.
Move along.