I know, I know, I should have done this a long time ago.....
But I don't have an enhanced license or current passport. Can I get into and out of O' Canada with three other forms of ID, a phone bill with my name and address and a real birth certificate?
It's a 9.5 hour trip to fetch a car in Michigan. Without the Canadian shortcut, it's 9.5 hours to Toledo, Ohio, then another 2.5 up to Michigan.
Any suggestions?
Where ya going Dan? Do I need to have a Cortina dropped off to keep your trailer ballasted?
Getting into Canada was easy. And yes, they will accept that sort of thing. At least that's what the Canada border guards told us when we went.
It's getting back into the US that's hard. And no, they won't accept that. According to the US border guards.
Don't neglect factoring in the time spent waiting at the US border. It can be many hours of waiting. I watched that bridge back up and sit many times. Personally, I wouldn't try it as a short cut.
John Brown wrote:
Where ya going Dan? Do I need to have a Cortina dropped off to keep your trailer ballasted?
Millington, MI. Thanks for the generous offer but the trailer pulls fine empty.
Now if you'd like to pony a VW truckie to Niagara Falls..... 
Last weekend the border took 45 min -3 hours at Sarnia, according to my sources.
Go through Toledo, it'll be quicker. TheUS Customs and Imigration folks take a really dim view of people without passports,especially since everyone has been told to be prepared for a long time. I came back to Michigan through Windsor once last year and had no problems because I have my passport(Cdn.) and a "green card". The poor guy in the next lane was yelling at the inspector that he was a born and bred American and they couldn't keep him out. The inspector looked at him and very calmly asked him to prove it.

My red gov't Passport expired, but I remember some chick at Kennedy blistering some poor Inspector "Do you know who I am?" Guess not.
He asked me if it was business or pleasure, I said both. Did you have a good time. Yes. Welcome back.
Polite works.
What day are you going to be here Dan?
I am certain there are at least a few of us that owe you a beer ;)
If you're thinking of crossing at Detroit, don't. Go across at Sarnia. Much quicker at the crossing, better roads and it's not really much further. To avoid the lines, don't cross at rush hour.
Once I had to go to Canada and I looked up on the US Customs website. Passport OR birth certificate and state ID. PPPPPPPPffffffffffffft - you don't need that. I have a voters card and Illinois State DL.
So the Canadian's waved me in and coming back the US Customs YELLED at me to NEVER attempt a stunt like that again.
BTW, if you are around on Sunday, you can try to drag John down to Belle Isle were AROC is autocrossing (that would be near downtown Detroit).
(oh, and the time it would take to do it w/o a passport is more than made up by staying in the US)
Keith wrote:
If you're thinking of crossing at Detroit, don't. Go across at Sarnia. Much quicker at the crossing, better roads and it's not really much further. To avoid the lines, don't cross at rush hour.
That's what I was going to recommend.
Thanks guys, I'm taking the land route via Toledo.
I'm leaving here Sunday around 6:00 am, hope to be there ~5:00 pm.
All of the U.S, Canadian, TSA, anybody web sites say no way.
Thanks Quasi but no beer on this run. I'll be hitting every rest stop in New York. 
Get yourself a mullet and the border guards will wave you through 
7/22/10 11:43 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
Thanks guys, I'm taking the land route via Toledo.
I'm leaving here Sunday around 6:00 am, hope to be there ~5:00 pm.
All of the U.S, Canadian, TSA, anybody web sites say no way.
Thanks Quasi but no beer on this run. I'll be hitting every rest stop in New York.
Well, if you need a stop along the Thruway just east of Rochester I'm about 4 minutes off Exit 43 - PM me and I'll give you my cell # so I can warn the Missus that a guy I only know on the web is about to stop by. I'll keep some Red Bull and a great local Resiling Ale in the fridge. 
Genny screamers at the wheel? No thanks.