This gentleman lives a few miles from me. You bet there's a lot of hand-wringing on both sides.
"MA! Our town's on TV! Oh..great..its 'Hoarders'.'
His poor kids are going to have to clean up that mess, for sure.
wvumtnbkr said:
Stefan said:
bobzilla said:
In reply to Stefan :
As I said, no thank you. I will continue to live in peace, rurally. You want people telling you what to do on your property, go live in an HOA. Leave the rest of us alone. Why does everyone want to force their life onto someone else anymore? What happened to the live and let live attitude?
How about I don't want the run off from your illegal salvage yard draining into my drinking water?
Honestly this sort of thinking is toxic and unhelpful because throwing a tantrum and closing yourself off, instead of being involved and helping to guide the rules and laws to avoid causing consternation is a much better solution.
Or, check out the neighborhood before you buy and don't try to change everybody else's life because you don't like it after you moved there.
I have the same but opposite problem. I moved into a neighborhood with an HOA. I asked a lot of questions and was pointed to the bylaws. The bylaws didn't say anything about you can't have a shed if you see it from the street, behind my house, surrounded by trees.... apparently that's how the HOA interprets it. I'm living with it because I chose to move there.
Uh-huh and what if the neighborhood was great, but as has been mentioned in this situation, the neighbor dies and their children turn the place into a toxic swamp? Or a drug den? A biker clubhouse? Knocked it down and built a huge apartment/condo complex with no added parking?
I dislike HOAs and I think they are unnecessary in a city/town that has decent laws on the books about what you can and can't do at a private residence. If you want to run a chop shop, salvage yard, build a large condo/apartment building, etc. then get the zoning changed and the proper permits.
That's fine, but the street view of the neighborhood has more than a few undesirable situations.
If it was all good and turned to E36 M3, I get it. Doesn't seem that's the case.
I'm all for getting the ordinance police involved if it is 1 or 2 offenders. It may be that simple in this case.
dculberson said:
I wonder how much of the “people can do whatever they want on their property” attitudes would change if a neighbor started putting up offensive signs and hosting 24/7 raves and selling heroin at discount prices.
It wouldn’t. Heroin is illegal selling it is illegal.
The whole point of owning your own property is to do with it what you will because *gasp* IT'S YOUR OWN berkeleyING PROPERTY.
So many strawman arguments in this thread you can't even decipher what it was originally about anymore.
In reply to pheller :
Here's my outside observation...
I have looked through the street images. This looks like a neighborhood in transition. Your house (and many others) represent the improved neighborhood this could be. His (and many others) represent the downfall neighborhood this could be. At this point, I think you just need to out do the "good" to offset the "bad" that he does.
Every effort you make to the positive appearence will accentuate the affects of his (and others) negative appearence efforts.
Rally the others you can to join your enighborhood improvement. Try to grow the positive rather than squash the negative.
bobzilla said:
dculberson said:
I wonder how much of the “people can do whatever they want on their property” attitudes would change if a neighbor started putting up offensive signs and hosting 24/7 raves and selling heroin at discount prices.
It wouldn’t. Heroin is illegal selling it is illegal.
So is having piles of trash and junk vehicles on your property, in this instance. So you care to control what people do on their property in certain ways, obviously. So where is the line drawn?
This is not a straw man, we're establishing that a) some control over what people do on their property is desired by pretty much everyone. b) What specifically is controlled is up for debate.
@RevRico: And the roosters your neighbor have are working out well for you? You're happy he's doing what the hell he wants and you have no interest in the roosters going away?
Brett_Murphy said:
Have the neighbor call the ordinance enforcement on you (just make sure your crap is in order) *and* tell him to advise the inspector to check out the rest of the
Damn, that’s a nice twist to my suggestion. Well played, Mr Murphy. Well played.
My neighbor's yard. My plan is to let the problem solve itself. He's an elderly chain smoker.

The summer weeds are covering a lot of the debris. There's a flatbed trailer in there, rotting away, and a whole lot more.

In reply to Floating Doc :
Would the area support a Burmese Python?
In reply to Floating Doc :
Hoarder Level: Novice
On the bright side maybe he’s got some good junk to part with?
My buddy down the street (who is total GRM material - I’m trying to get him in here) hauled off a derelict boat & VW Bug from some of the local W.T. Homesteads and made himself a fine parade/Burning Man vehicle by melding the two.
AngryCorvair said:
In reply to Floating Doc :
Would the area support a Burmese Python?
Until winter. It does get below freezing here occasionally.
Also, I'm not interested in worsening the exotic animal problem here in FL, but there are native snakes, fortunately. There's a few feral cats and rats around.
In reply to dculberson :
Here's where your argument falls apart, I also think that the illegal status of drugs should not be. Let people be. They want to OD, that's on them. But you're confusing federal law (that I personally don't agree with) and local ordinances. One gets you jail time, the other a small fine at worst, more likely a strongly worded letter.
dculberson said:
bentwrench said:
There is only one neighborhood for you,
Whole lotta black and white thinking in here. Maybe realize there’s a middle ground between suburban HOA fascist meddling and a nuclear blasted free for all hellscape.
I wonder how much of the “people can do whatever they want on their property” attitudes would change if a neighbor started putting up offensive signs and hosting 24/7 raves and selling heroin at discount prices.
This is precisely what I was thinking. "Hey, could you follow the rules and regulations of our particular location?"
We really need recreational legalized, it seems many people need to relax a bit. 
bobzilla said:
dculberson said:
I wonder how much of the “people can do whatever they want on their property” attitudes would change if a neighbor started putting up offensive signs and hosting 24/7 raves and selling heroin at discount prices.
It wouldn’t. Heroin is illegal selling it is illegal.
The laws we have in our country have virtually eliminated crime, because no one does anything illegal. 
In reply to z31maniac :
No, "it wouldn't" meant that my attitude wouldn't change. I have intentionally put a buffer between me and my "neighbors". When that buffer dissapears due to the forced annexation we deal with by a bunch of pencil pushing shiny happy people, then we'll sell out and find someplace else.
We've been pushing for years now (organized effort) to get Indiana to abolish the forced annexation laws we have. Unfortunately, the towns have more money to lobby (OUR money at that, so we're paying for both sides of this quite literally) and have kept it from getting out of committee for 4 years now. So until then we keep fighting as we can.
bobzilla said:
In reply to z31maniac :
No, "it wouldn't" meant that my attitude wouldn't change. I have intentionally put a buffer between me and my "neighbors". When that buffer dissapears due to the forced annexation we deal with by a bunch of pencil pushing shiny happy people, then we'll sell out and find someplace else.
We've been pushing for years now (organized effort) to get Indiana to abolish the forced annexation laws we have. Unfortunately, the towns have more money to lobby (OUR money at that, so we're paying for both sides of this quite literally) and have kept it from getting out of committee for 4 years now. So until then we keep fighting as we can.
You seem to have changed what you're venting about.
The whole thread has been about shiny, happy neighbors that drag down the neighborhood by having their place look like trash.
You are now talking about forced annexation which isn't really related.
Just because you buy a home in an HOA neighborhood doesn't necessarily keep the neighborhood from changing. My neighborhood was a suburban gated HOA of 3-4-5 bedroom 2 car garage ranch homes on 1/4 - 1/3 acre lots at one time with fees etc. and slowly declined over a couple decades to no gates, no HOA, and no fees. So now only the city codes apply.
Although I'm kind of a "your property your stuff" guy, it gets to the point where I contact code enforcement when certain neighbors push things waaaay to far IMO. Making it more difficult, most of the people who live in the neighborhood now are from a third world country (with a different first language) and they grew up in a different environment. (Think houses with no actual doors or windows, electricity, or running water) While I think " when in Rome do as the Romans do" my neighbors don't. So they do things they would do where they came from without realizing that's not acceptable in a suburban neighborhood with small lots here. Here's an example in pic below. I told him NO you can't keep a 1/2 dozen goats in the back yard here. Take them away or I'll call the city. He's already tried chickens/rooster, ducks, and has about 20 ferel cats. I just got him to finally get rid of a couple junk cars because there wasn't room to park a car in the driveway there's so much junk and there's no lawn left at all to park on so they were parking in the no parking area on the opposite side of the road. My home's resale value is currently probably 20-30 thousand less than it should be because of this neighbor.
In reply to z31maniac :
that's where you're wrong. This was brought up because the neighbors changed the rules and added in some form of code enforcement that wasn't there before. So what was done was not illegal until recently. Same thing with our issues. Someone deciding to change the rules after the fact because they can. Just another case of leave people the berkeley alone. Seriously.... you do you. I'll do me. If people spent more time worrying about their own E36 M3 and not someone else's the whole world would be a better place.
6/18/19 9:52 a.m.
bobzilla said:
In reply to z31maniac :
that's where you're wrong. This was brought up because the neighbors changed the rules and added in some form of code enforcement that wasn't there before. So what was done was not illegal until recently. Same thing with our issues. Someone deciding to change the rules after the fact because they can. Just another case of leave people the berkeley alone. Seriously.... you do you. I'll do me. If people spent more time worrying about their own E36 M3 and not someone else's the whole world would be a better place.
He is worrying about his own E36 M3. His property value. That is his own E36 M3. Right?
What you're saying is fine for a true rural area. He's in a subdivision with small lots. He also "wasn't there first"--his dad was, his dad kept things clean. This guy is not.
bobzilla said:
In reply to z31maniac :
that's where you're wrong. This was brought up because the neighbors changed the rules and added in some form of code enforcement that wasn't there before. So what was done was not illegal until recently. Same thing with our issues. Someone deciding to change the rules after the fact because they can. Just another case of leave people the berkeley alone. Seriously.... you do you. I'll do me. If people spent more time worrying about their own E36 M3 and not someone else's the whole world would be a better place.
I agree with you on people worrying about their own stuff. But what about when what you're doing IS AFFECTING my stuff? IE, property values?
But as mentioned, changing laws and regulations are a way of life. Always has been, always be.
You can either give yourself a stroke about it, or deal with it and move on.
dculberson said:
bobzilla said:
dculberson said:
I wonder how much of the “people can do whatever they want on their property” attitudes would change if a neighbor started putting up offensive signs and hosting 24/7 raves and selling heroin at discount prices.
It wouldn’t. Heroin is illegal selling it is illegal.
So is having piles of trash and junk vehicles on your property, in this instance. So you care to control what people do on their property in certain ways, obviously. So where is the line drawn?
This is not a straw man, we're establishing that a) some control over what people do on their property is desired by pretty much everyone. b) What specifically is controlled is up for debate.
@RevRico: And the roosters your neighbor have are working out well for you? You're happy he's doing what the hell he wants and you have no interest in the roosters going away?
He already knows the next cock a doodle do will result in dead roosters. Roosters are loud and obnoxious animals. A junk pile makes no noise, just offends the eyes. Big difference, because a junk pile won't wake my 4 year old up at 530 in the morning.
I was also here first, and have a bigger lot and a bad attitude. Those three things combine to "I'm right, hypocritical, but right".
I could just as easily let my roosters get to crowing age and give him a taste of his own medicine,but instead I will lead by example and kill them when they get annoying.
6/18/19 10:09 a.m.

Wowzers, this went off quick.
I live in a small subdivison, 3 homes, we all mind our business and keep things tidy ish. I am probably the one who gets complained about in our group.... I ahve my RV in the driveway, a tarp carport next to my garage with the MR2 under it, I try to keep the lawn mowed..... But I also have the parking strip the city will not maintain.... It gets mowed when I find time. I try to keep my piles of parts behind fences etc, but my trash cans are in the driveway and in view.... Oh well. I try. No one has said anything to me
6/18/19 11:06 a.m.
The true nature of this calamity is MUCH worse than I thought it could be.
There is a PINTO behind the house!
PM me for my contact info, i will call code enforcement as a potential buyer for your neighbors house and ask if the junkyards are permanent or is there a clean up incoming. I'm familiar with both sides. My neighbor had roosters and his dog barks at me everytime i work in my driveway, when i come home from a 16 hr day etc. I looked up the city codes about roosters and called the city. When you hobbies affect my health (sleep) its on. Roosters are gone. Everytime the dog barks when im in .my driveway i cuss very loudly and spray the 6' privacy fence with my hose. They then put the dog in. Now, many conversations led to this but i talked to them first, explained that i shouldnt have to get barked at 2 feet away. B side is i have junk. But i keep it in the backyard behind the house out of sight.