Jensenman wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Owning two new beetles? I do believe that is in fact justification for hell.
No, he's just going to think he's in Hell.
Owning two VWs is like having syphilis and gonorrhea at the same time. Only difference is if you squirt penicillin on the VWs they don't go away.
Well I officially own one, the other is just a title away.
John Brown wrote:
Grtechguy wrote:
where will a N* fit in that chassis?
Between the firewall and the radiator ;)
I can't use the OE transmission, I will need to run a TH125, but there is plenty of room under the hood of the Beetle for an Aurora or N* engine.
actually you'll NEED to run a 4T80E, it's the only FWD GM trans that will handle the torque and bolt on directly.
Jensenman wrote:
Owning two VWs is like having syphilis and gonorrhea at the same time. Only difference is if you squirt penicillin on the VWs they don't go away.
I vote this should be featured in "Say What?" 
2/24/09 10:10 p.m.
So... how does this project figure in $200X terms?
2/25/09 3:36 a.m.
A Northstar new beetle will still pale in comparison to that guy who put a jet engine in one (and kept it street legal by retaining the stock drivetrain.)
Salanis wrote:
So... how does this project figure in $200X terms?
New Beetle with bad engine and good transmission as a transmission donor for the white car $500.00
Removed (actually doing it tonight) transmission and assigning the actual value of shell as $250.00 (splitting the cost, although the transmission is worth more)
I have a line on a $650.00 Aurora 4.0L with collision damage and a 1993 Deville 4.9L with really bad brakes for $500.00. I would prefer a 4.6L Northstar but the Aurora will work just as well.
My goal is running with tires for about $1850.00 with axle shafts and exhaust.
here's another 4.9. $200
He couldn't afford to run multiple craigslist ads?
[crystal ball, 30 day forecast]
i see.... John Brown selling FWD cadillacs .... and VW beetles
[/crystal ball]
Well ONE is being sold for certain, to pay for the trip and the other car, As long as the transmission stays good...