8/4/13 5:01 p.m.
Since y'all have over 500 pages of boobies, here's a little something for the under-represented ladies on the board. ECM, Margie and if I've forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies.... this one's for you.
Can hardly wait for LMP1 racing next year! 

I was expecting more half clothed firemen ... 
Yeah, yeah, if you like that chiseled good looks, flat stomach, 5 o'clock shadow kind of I can rattle your teeth loose look; lets see how many pages you get.
Yes. The gauntlet has been thrown to FlightService.
have to wonder how many pages GGA would be if not for flightservice?
8/4/13 5:42 p.m.
Yah, too bad he's not bi. 
Well, that's sort of the point.....he is responsible for at least 3/4 of the traffic in that thread. I fully support the existence of a thread for the ladies' enjoyment, but think that one of you is going to have to start posting 20+ attractive men per day. Which one of you is going to step up?
8/4/13 5:52 p.m.
Jaysus. May have to take applications...
Lesley wrote:
Jaysus. May have to take applications...
Solution: recruit more automobile-savvy women to GRM.
In the mean time, since none of you women are actually posting pics of guys, I'll help you out: most women seem to swoon over Ryan Gossling

....or sean connery

....OK, now it's Leslie's turn.
8/4/13 6:12 p.m.
The wee Gosling's pretty cute, but needs a bit more age on him.
I don't much like old Sean any more after reading that he thinks it's okay to smack women around...
You're doing it wrong....the commentary is good, but now you need to post photos illustrating better examples of what you like 
Lesley wrote:
Yah, too bad he's not bi.
I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
care must be taken with this thread, guys will just start to post pic's of themselves in hopes of getting attention.

because even bad attention is attention after all.....
I thought that was what the "Members Photos" thread was for you ladies
8/4/13 8:51 p.m.
Y'all cute thangs are more than welcome to post selfies 
I'll help you out with who gets my wife going............

8/5/13 2:57 p.m.
Where's Anja? I'll bet she could offer some interesting contributions.
I KNOW dollraves can make ANY of us blush!
8/5/13 3:15 p.m.
Just for your wife! I took these at the recent ALMS race at Mosport.
<img src="
" />

Couldn't find any pictures of me rock climbing. But here is me swing dancing with another guy.

You girls are just asking for this.
Car-nerd beefcake