I have a Boss ME-70 that does everything I need. I'd love to have another to leave at our farm, but they aren't cheap, I don't have time to play a lot when I'm there, and all I need is reverb and delay.
Anyone have recommendations for cheaper reverb and delay pedals? I've seen the Chinesey ones on eBay and wonder if they work well enough. Or maybe one of you have surplus pedals or a Boss ME type thing for sale that can do reverb and delay?
2/20/17 7:28 a.m.
I don't have any experience with this website or their products but I am enticed by them.
The mostly Behringer stuff that Parts Express sells are cheap enough. I have only purchased two. They both still work and do pretty much what they're supposed to.
2/20/17 8:56 a.m.
I was always curious how hard it would be to diy a pedal. Especially the "classic" effects that were possible with 1960s electronics.
I have a Joyo Analog Delay that was around $30. The missus loves it for her shoegaze/dreampop style. All I ever use it for is a small amount of rockabilly style slapback so I don't know if it is good, decent or great.
But having googled the Boss to figure out what kind of reverb you are after, I would probably suggest just getting another one like this
The import reverbs aren't as inexpensive as the delays and fuzzes. So a $40 delay plus another $90 for a verb and the possibility of needing a $35 isolated power supply and a few $10 patch cords to make them all play together gets you into that range pretty quick. You already know how it works which is a bonus and it looks like it can do almost anything.
I bought a guitar to USB cable and use free modeling amp software on my laptop. $15.99 plus some good earbuds or CPU speakers and it's a nice practice setup. It's a key press to change instead of a stomp though.
Huckleberry wrote:
I bought a guitar to USB cable and use free modeling amp software on my laptop. $15.99 plus some good earbuds or CPU speakers and it's a nice practice setup. It's a key press to change instead of a stomp though.
Stomp pedals are available for your computer. I picked up an AirTurn Stomp Kit off eBay for my practice setup. I use it to stop/start backing tracks. Really convenient, especially when you're starting in the middle of a track. You could program one pedal to run a virtual pedal, I'm sure.
RossD wrote:
I don't have any experience with this website or their products but I am enticed by them.
Uhoh. This looks like danger for Keith.
RossD wrote:
I don't have any experience with this website or their products but I am enticed by them.
A good friend of mine has built several of their kits- pedals and amps. He recommends them highly.