My ex sister in law was fostering kittens for the humane society and I just couldn't help but fall in love with two with them. We adopted then and brought them home today!

Introducing Mac:

And his brother, Cheese:

Our cat Shadow is pretty curious about them and wants to mother them.

6/4/20 10:03 p.m.
Shadow does not appear impressed with kittens. I however, think they're awesome. Coincidentally, I too, have an orange tabby named cheese. Cheese sandwich to be precise.
here he is getting some quality time in with his adopted friend, pastrami on rye.
In reply to Mndsm :
Gah, they are awesome!
Cheese's full name is Pepper Jack Cheese Ball. Maybe. We'll see.

6/5/20 12:09 a.m.
Fair warning, they will turn into cats.
It took me four cats to learn that lesson.
So cute! It's been a while since we've had a kitten; our cat is about 13 years old, we think. I'd love to have another cat but I'm not sure how Mushy would handle it.

Yes! Coincidentally I just started fostering these two dummies for a couple weeks. After my best kitty friend of 10 years passed recently, I'm not ready to adopt again but fostering these kittens sure is fun.

6/5/20 8:24 a.m.
I applaud anyone who can foster kittens. There's no way I could let them leave.
Congrats, Jav! They look like good guys, and it's a good sign that Shadow's maternal instincts are kicking in.
My wife and I have fostered hundreds of cats over the past four or five years. We have a mother and six kittens coming on board Monday. Through all of those cats and kittens we've only had four 'foster failures' and they are now permanent residents in our home. It's rewarding, but it can be tough as well. Kittens in particular are very vulnerable and not all of them make it. We go to great lengths to keep our fosters separate from our permanent residents.
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
well, aint they cute!!
My wife keeps pestering me to foster cats. She would be terrible at it, she wants to collect them all and the foster agency would never get their cats back.
Mac & Cheese would make for a great 1980's buddy cop movie.
Update: They found the toy box

6/5/20 10:47 a.m.
That orange one is gonna be trouble, I can tell.
Keith Tanner said:
My wife keeps pestering me to foster cats. She would be terrible at it, she wants to collect them all and the foster agency would never get their cats back.
I don't quite see the problem?
Although that may be why I'm not allowed to foster cats or go to local cat shelters without adult supervision.
Good for you! Here's Bohnnaeux (Bahno)
my old pal on the right, and Ms Lemon.
BoxheadTim said:
Keith Tanner said:
My wife keeps pestering me to foster cats. She would be terrible at it, she wants to collect them all and the foster agency would never get their cats back.
I don't quite see the problem?
Although that may be why I'm not allowed to foster cats or go to local cat shelters without adult supervision.
Because we already have four! Janel is also not allowed to go to pet stores or shelters without a chaperone, so instead she rescues ferals from the yard and her parents' farm.
They look hilarious.
Kittens will be one of the first acquisitions post house renovation. And when I am not getting sent to NH every few weeks. Although, the latter may push me towards the RV trailer and then the kitties would learn how to travel.
I almost ran over this idiot with the lawnmower a few weeks ago, so now we have a new cat. His name is Bill.

6/5/20 11:46 a.m.
BoxheadTim said:
Keith Tanner said:
My wife keeps pestering me to foster cats. She would be terrible at it, she wants to collect them all and the foster agency would never get their cats back.
I don't quite see the problem?
Although that may be why I'm not allowed to foster cats or go to local cat shelters without adult supervision.
The last time I went to a shelter alone, I adopted the largest, angriest cat they had. His name was Charlie.
Both are tabbies and thus will be super sweet.
My 2 dummies

They look great and I like Mac N Cheese!
Wish I could have a cat again, but the 4 sighthounds in the house would object.
In reply to poopshovel again :
My late cat's name was Bill too! I miss him so much <3

Congrats! Cats are awesome, catdogs are awesomer!!
heres izzy the dog and limu the cat