6/17/20 4:03 p.m.
My daughter has a Tortise shell female who is scared of everything. She sleeps in the closet all day, comes out at night. She will only let me pet her in the laundry room before I leave for work in the morning. Any time else I have to catch her.
My wife has a maine coon. Funniest cat I have ever seen. He acts like a dog. Follows her around, watches over her when she is sleeping. And of course he is huge.
6/17/20 4:20 p.m.
Edison and Tom on squirrel lookout duty:

They refuse to accept that their old kitten bed is too small now:

We finally decided Edison is some sort of orange Maine Coon mix. He does all the weird Maine Coon things. We joke that he's fluffy outside and fluffy in the head.
We are currently at the other end of the spectrum. One of our cats is 14 years old and is fighting both kidney failure and a UTI. She's weak, not always lucid, made of skin and bones and it's a celebration when you get her to choke down a bite of tuna. Still, she's loving trips outside to see the birds and spent last night sleeping on Janel's chest. Janel doesn't have favorites amongst her cats, but this is her favorite. It's been a tough week.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
So sorry. Been there a few times. Give her rattly old bony self a pet for me.
heard scared mewing outside. this lil fluff seemed to be alone and hungry. welp...hope Mushy will accept a roommate

I would like to request more kitten updates. Mac? Cheese? Bill the idiot?
Our old and extremely sick cat went from being at death's door to being, well, 14 years old. Six weeks ago we'd celebrate if she licked a little tuna juice off your finger and we didn't think she'd make it through the weekend. Now she's chasing lizards and eating so much we're thinking it's a symptom. Let's hear it for the miracle of antibiotics and a vet who doesn't give up. Also the ability of a cat to apparently subsist on love alone.
She comes to hang out with me in the office sometimes and demands lap time during conference calls. Everyone say hello to Sadie, the old lady. Well, maybe when she wakes up.

Welcome back Sadie!
We have a younger cat who has used up multiple lives:
Kirby from pg 1 of this thread, now 7. Since was raised by greyhounds, he acts very much like them. He's another giant personality, just like Orion, his foster dad.

He survived multiple urinary blockages, somewhat horrifying surgery, plus an ex-lap soon after his urological surgery when he ate a penny while bored and wearing the Cone of Shame (WTF!) This was about 18 months ago, just before Christmas 2018.
He came home from the vet and we expected him to die. My son set up a cat hospice center in the family room and fed/watered him with a syringe for about three weeks until he started eating and drinking on his own. He dropped to about 6lb while this was going on.

Soon after being DC'ed from hospice (shaved everywhere because he was so shut down the vet could barely get access to start resuscitating him)

Having recovered, he figures he can go everywhere in the house and we are all his staff. He's back to just over 10lb now.

The universe recently decided I needed a co-pilot and who am I to argue with the universe? Her name is Toots and, in the three months I've had her, she's traveled about 4000 miles with me.

Mac and Cheese are growing fast. They are almost Shadow's size yet clearly still kittens. Mac is going to be huge based on his paw size. He's still softer than real velour. Cheese squeaks when there's no people around that he can and see and will come running into your arms to be carried around the house.

Cheese also has a fish toy that he brings everywhere, and he often leaves it in his food or water dish if he's not.

Mac frequently nurses on his cat bed or a soft blanket, but he's recently taken to air nursing lately, which is quite hilarious.

Awww, cats.
But now I must meditate.
No more pets, no more pets, no more pets.
*sigh* Not working.
noddaz said:
Awww, cats.
But now I must meditate.
No more pets, no more pets, no more pets.
*sigh* Not working.
Right? I just got my first home and I'm struggling not to check my pathetic income to get some whiny furballs from the humane society myself.
Also, rescue pets are the best. I LOVE big dogs- but one of "my" last rescues was a Jack Russel who's left a big 3-legged hole in my heart. She was a pistol.
Mine was bored this weekend, so i gave him a lego set to put together:

In reply to Keith Tanner :
He needed some help with the stickers, like most 5 year olds. Otherwise pretty well :p
We brought this rascal home on Sunday.

Sadie, our old cat who was ready to die months ago, has put on about a pound (that's 20%!) and is holding up well as long as I keep giving her meds. The vet didn't really believe it. She is getting spoiled like you would not believe.
But now she has a problem. Janel came to me early on Wednesday morning and said "I have something to tell you". I thought she'd wrecked the car or something. No, she'd seen a little black kitten under a bush near the mall and when she turned around to check, she found him sitting in the middle of a four-lane road. At 5:30 am. Yes, her kitty radar is that good.
So the obvious happened. I wasn't consulted but apparently I am a non-voting member of the household. He's 14 weeks old (ish) and a riot. We already have Jenson Button and Sebastian Vittles in the house, so everyone say hi to Lewis Hamilton aka Hammy. It's been a long, long time since we had a kitten in the house.

In reply to Keith Tanner :
Kittens are great, but also omg what age do they start to mellow out, because this little guy (Cheetah) will run, jump, climb, claw, and bite EVERYTHING. The polar opposite of our older cat. But he's cute when he zonks out for his afternoon nap.

All gas or all brake, there is no middle ground. No lift and coast for a kitten.
There was a giant man-eating spider in the bathtub, so I put our outdoor cruise missile Shadow on the job, who promptly ignored it as being too small a target (her last victim was a mole). So Mac and Cheese have been destroying the bathroom ever since trying to get it.
Missed this thread up to now.
Meet Sweetie Slasher.

I don't have any pets because i'm a bit too much of a Nomad.. but i've been staying with my parents for 9 weeks and spending some time with their cat. She's a riot, and if you're not giving her enough attention while working form home she comes over and fully extends to touch the side of your abs to get your attention..
she's absolutely adorable.
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:
Missed this thread up to now.
Meet Sweetie Slasher.

That's exactly the sort of cat my wife would kidnap. You have been warned.
Still miss my two girls every day. They both passed away in 2016. Still not really over it, but at least it's getting a bit easier. :) 

Lewis Hamilton would like to wish everyone a scary Hallowe'en.