I have some cool to news to share today. things are looking much better this week. I have serval jobs coming up. the first is i start a new pizza delivery job on sunday night. not sure how much hours are going to be. but its a start at least. the next for the month of oct i get to work in a haunted house which should be fun though. i have a wedding i am shooting sometime in oct or sept..depends on when the bride can get leave and her mom is well enought to travel....this was being bored on a friday night and walked up to the bar to annoy my sister in laws aunt and she asked me to shoot her sons wedding...never shot one but its cool to try something different at least. also doing a friends wedding in nov at a sci-fi con and that is going to be the wedding present to them.
I started a new binusessess this past week selling things though amway.com my website is http://www.amway.com/otakusales
we have verything form jc whinty cat to sears to cell phones in the parnter stores, to cleanings stuff, makeup, food, jerwlery, giftcards, engery drinks, health cars stuff and tons more. it something to try to make some extra money to help pay for my drug habit called cars and grassrootsmotorsports.com......sigh.......after watching the rock video about keith i really want to go racing again damn it...sigh.......