My parent's had their van cleaned recently, which included an interior vacuuming. Probably the first time in many years that thing has been cleaned. When they picked it up, they handed them two $50 bills that got sucked up from under a seat somehere. They had no idea the money was in there, and would have never known had it gone missing. Restored a little of my faith in humanity.
There are still a bunch of good people in the world. Some of them in the most surprising places.
Heck, when I vacuumed out one of our loaner vehicles, I found a Justin Bieber CD and a quarter, both of which went into Lost & Found.
Money's like anything else, if it ain't yours then it ain't yours.
I've kinda figured out that about 90% of people are just that good. then there's about 7% that would take the money and not say anything. The last ones would steal from themselves if it would profit them. YMMV
11/28/16 6:24 a.m.
That is always good to hear.
11/28/16 8:42 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
The got a tip I hope.
Bet they 'Kept the change'.

They must have been under the surveillance of the Car Wash Change Thief Action Squad!

My wife went to cvs to get a prescription for my daughter. She forgot her wallet at home, but a nice lady behind her paid for it. (It was a cheap generic drug, but the thought really was awesome).
There are good people out there
I was buying flowers for Jamie after we got some good news about a minor health issue (not going too serious but enough the doctor wanted to run a few tests) and the guy behind me said "uh oh, what did you do wrong?" I laughed and told him "nothing this time... just celebrating some good health news". He cut around me and wouldn't let me pay! Choked me up a bit. I told Jamie when I gave them to her the idea for the flowers was mine but they were a gift from a stranger who was happy she was healthy.