Alright, when the weather starts getting colder and the days start getting shorter I get a little bit depressed. So to raise my and like-minded peoples' spirits I'm coming up with a running list of what's actually good about fall and winter.
1) Hockey seasons starts (Hurricanes are gonna win the cup this year - says me)
2) State Fair comes to town - don't know about other states, but this one comes to Raleigh every October. Something like one of the largest in the country. Lotta money, but very cool
3) Burning leaves - smells good
4) They restart production of Mallomars - New Yorkers and NY ex-pats, you'll know about these
5) Holidays - the obvious one. Halloween was fun when I was little. If anybody around here still did it then I could at least pass out candy. Maybe when I have kids of my own and move someplace people still celebrate it, it will bring back some memories. Thanksgiving is great. A holiday where you stuff yourself and watch football. Sounds good to me. Christmas is the best of the year.
Can't really think of any more. If anyone says the weather I'll scream. And I didn't put snow, because this is North Carolina, and it's still cold. Yes, I said North Carolina is cold
Edits -
6) I'll throw in football. American football, that is. I love football, I just get tired of watching the showboating and hype in the NFL.
I wish it was still like the 'good ol' days', when stupid people die in the winter.
Really though, I hate winter so much I moved from Iowa to Florida about 2 months ago.
I always liked shopping for old cars in the Fall.
9/20/09 10:10 p.m.
I love winter. I'm excited, Hockey (which also means income for me--reffing), burning leaves smells good where it still exists, and I just like the cold weather. I can always put on another layer. I get hot and sweaty too easy.
JeepinMatt wrote:
5) Holidays - the obvious one. Halloween was fun when I was little. If anybody around here still did it then I could at least pass out candy. Maybe when I have kids of my own and move someplace people still celebrate it, it will bring back some memories. Thanksgiving is great. A holiday where you stuff yourself and watch football. Sounds good to me. Christmas is the best of the year.
Halloween is more fun when you are old enough to drink and walk around college towns in a drunken stupor and everybody thinks it's part of your costume.
I went as my bedroom last year. I just kinda taped stuff that I found in my bedroom to an egg crate foam thingy and wrapped that around me.
I actually look forward to nights in the garage working on the car for next season. Also, take up some winter hobbies. Slot cars are awesome fun, model cars are fun to build, and R/C cars are wicked fun in mud/snow. I'm getting a gokart from my Mom's in 2 weeks when I'm down there for my sister's wedding, so I'm really looking forward to playing with that all winter!
I also don't feel guilty watching football for an entire Sunday when it's nasty out. I haven't seen a single entire game yet because our weather has been PERFECT. More of that next weekend too.
Winter means only 3 months until Spring
I do work on the E30, and when I am busy waiting for something on that I work on the Jeep or the Vette, but I do that no more or less than when it's warm. The sucky thing is that like most garages, it isn't heated and I freeze. It's harder to work on a car when you can't feel your hands. I set up these big halogen lights that hover somewhere between the temperature of fresh pizza and the surface of the sun. A half minute of holding my hands up to that, then back to work, then repeat.
One thing I really want in my dream garage, which isn't all that fancy, is a heater. I don't care if it's air conditioned; I like to have the door open during the summer and I can handle the heat if I've got a small fan. But it's gotta have a heater.
Years ago my father and I bought two of Carrera's largest tracks, a couple extra cars and set about building a table (with plexiglass windows so that they wouldn't fly off) to build the track on. I'll look around my parent's basement next time I'm there. I wouldn't mind digging that up.
mtn wrote:
I can always put on another layer.
And yet taking another off can be a good way to get arrested. Why Winter>Summer.
mtn wrote:
I can always put on another layer. I get hot and sweaty too easy.
I hate winter.. I have low blood pressure so I am NEVER warm. (being al;most 6 foot and 160 pounds does not help.. but I think I am doing DAMN good for being almost 40)
This summer was not even warm enough for me. Only a week where I actually sweated.
I always feel bad for kids that grew up without knowing the pure joy of waiting in ambush for the schoolbus to come by with 10-15 snowballs lined up and ready.
Kids are still allowed to have snowball fights right? Or do they get thrown in jail these days?
mad_machine wrote:
mtn wrote:
I can always put on another layer. I get hot and sweaty too easy.
I hate winter.. I have low blood pressure so I am NEVER warm. (being al;most 6 foot and 160 pounds does not help.. but I think I am doing DAMN good for being almost 40)
This summer was not even warm enough for me. Only a week where I actually sweated.
My blood pressure is like that too. My feet feel like concrete blocks in the winter.
9/21/09 10:30 a.m.
Snowmobiles, real fireplaces, holidays, Christmas lights, indoor projects, or crank up the kerosene blower and head for the garage.
9/21/09 10:45 a.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
I always feel bad for kids that grew up without knowing the pure joy of waiting in ambush for the schoolbus to come by with 10-15 snowballs lined up and ready.
Kids are still allowed to have snowball fights right? Or do they get thrown in jail these days?
I got put in detention with about six other guys and three girls for being in a snowball fight in eighth grade. And none of us was in it involuntarily. Luckily, the guy running detention was about 75 years old, a WWII vet, and he laughed when we said what we were in for. He let us leave in time to get to the buses. Shortest/best detention ever.
Went to an autocross yesterday, temps in the high 60's and 100 % sunshine.
Then it will get really cold and freeze the lakes.
Then go ice racing. 
I shall enjoy the fall untill all the leaves are on the ground, then I am pissy till about my birthday, in April. Snow tires, salt and warming up the car suck.
I like fall, the cold, dense air is Gods own conulation prize to gear heads, a little more power.
More time to build models.
And chili. I love a nice big bowl of screamin' hot chili on a cold afternoon. 
Fall is my favorite time of year. Turbos like the air, trees look very nice and having fires in the back yard are awesome.
But then walking through a stand of trees at night with a full moon during or right after it has snowed is very spiritual.
Joe Gearin wrote:
I always feel bad for kids that grew up without knowing the pure joy of waiting in ambush for the schoolbus to come by with 10-15 snowballs lined up and ready.
Kids are still allowed to have snowball fights right? Or do they get thrown in jail these days?
Every few years we get a good snow. I remember once when I was 14 me and my best friend, who lived in the neighborhood, were all psyched up for a big storm coming. Well, instead of snow we just got ice. No problem. We just had an icicle fight. Ambushed em good too when I shook the iced-over tree he was standing under.
How about more time for (this) forum(s). Can we say post count. 
9/21/09 3:28 p.m.
I left Ohio in January 1977. When I pulled out of the drive, it was -10, 6' of snow in the front yard, 4' in the back. Smile on my face you could not get off with a wire brush. Got to Miami, and it snowed!! The only day in recorded history that that happened. I wondered if I had made a horrible mistake. It worked out OK. Still hate the idea of snow, much prefer my Caribbean islands to the frozen northlands.