Dan G
9/2/08 3:37 p.m.
Using it to post this. Some cool features and seems plenty quick, noticeable over FF. If they let me run a Gmail account manager in the corner (I monitor 4 addresses) then I'm sold. Or I guess I can keep FF running just for that. Vive la revolution!
ahh finally up!!
i've been trying all day to get it.
9/2/08 3:56 p.m.
Yeah... what's the deal with that? I thought Firefox was supposed to be the "most basic super usable browser that you should use or your an idiot" and I finally signed on and it's alright but I'm not a huge fan...
Have they just added on so much crap that it's like all the rest now or what?
Firefox does seem to take a LONG time to load these days, hell Explorer is faster.
I seems like Firefox is going the way of the CIVIC, destined to be bloated. I guess that makes Chrome is the Fit.
9/2/08 4:09 p.m.
But the Fit is ugly and doesn't look like a "car"
There's a lot of browsers besides Firefox and IE. One reason FF is slower to initially load is because IE is at least partially always running. Anyways, once FF is loaded, it's pretty fast, but not as fast as Safari or Opera.
What's interesting to me is that Chrome uses the WebKit (Safari) rendering engine rather than Windows' built-in rendering. Good for them. Unfortunately, they mangled some nice WebKit features, but nothing most people are likely to notice... little stuff like text shadowing and anti-aliased rounded corners. Anyway, I give them credit for recognizing the MS renderer for the POS it is.
And MS better watch out... Google's not trying to build a browser here, they're building a thin client for web apps.
Call me when Google launches an OS.
That's the thing, for all practical purposes, they already have or are well on their way. It's just not a desktop OS.
yup... a cell phone OS.
Meh, Safari is still best IMO.
The lack of a tab select dropdown button killed it for me. I might have switched to it otherwise.
The EULA for chrome is pretty lame, google is basicly claiming ownership of all content you create online while using their browser.
Seems kinda evil to me...
You can use the open-source fork Chromium:
And no I didn't expect anyone to find that link.
9/3/08 12:53 p.m.
I am still using NCSA Mosaic....
Mosaic? Look at you Mister fancy-pants graphical browser. Lynx -- that's all you need.
"Oh look at me I'm using Lynx, I play the grand piano!"
All you need is wget and vi.
Strizzo wrote:
uhhh, huh?


Wget and Vi:

Now you were supposed to make a joke about punch cards but you messed it up!
I remember surfing the web on Lynx, and using Vi on my 8086 laptop with a 2400 baud modem with a flip down keyboard and a flip up screen. it also had 2! 3.5" floppy drives
9/4/08 11:25 p.m.
Lynx!? HA! That whole www thing is just a fad... Gopher is where it's at! ;)
Capt Slow wrote:
The EULA for chrome is pretty lame, google is basicly claiming ownership of all content you create online while using their browser.
Seems kinda evil to me...
allegedly the legal guys were lazy/human and just copy pasted one of their general agreements.
That section has already been removed.
Which is good.... but honestly if you don't own copyrights anyone can use what you post any ways, for all the people who were refusing to use it because of it I doubt many of them had anything to lose.
Posting on it as we speak, I just need some sort of ad block, and for clicking the scroll wheel to actually autoscroll...
Anyways, the whole internet thing is a fad... I predict letter writing is about to come back in a BIG way.
IF it ever gets an ad-block, which is a pretty big if, I got a nickel that says it doesn't block google ads.
Google is coming out with the a new OS that runs directly on the human brain.
Tim Baxter wrote:
IF it ever gets an ad-block, which is a pretty big if, I got a nickel that says it doesn't block google ads.
I could almost seeing google giving you the option to block even there ads...
Kinda a moot point in my opinion, from everything I have heard they are releasing an extension api that allows 3rd party development. I doubt they would go so far as making it impossible for anyone to block a google ad, If the ad block add on is not made by google I don't see why it wouldn't block google ads...
OK. So the big question. How well does it work with the GRM website?