and it hurt like a mother berkeleyer!
The wrote:and it hurt like a mother berkeleyer!
That sucks. He looks like yet another good pitbull. Sucks that our dogs have a bad rap because of the scumbag media.
carbon wrote:The wrote:That sucks. He looks like yet another good pitbull. Sucks that our dogs have a bad rap because of the scumbag media.and it hurt like a mother berkeleyer!
I really don't think it's the "scumbag media" so much as it is the scumbag breeders/trainers … the dogs a GREAT companion dogs .. can easily be raised to be sweet "lick you to death" companion dogs …
BUT…. they are so big, strong, AND "vicious" (when trained that way) that they get the bad rep.
there are other dogs that have had the same bad rep. (Doberman Pinschers, and Rottweilers come to mind)
as long as dog fighting is an "accepted sport" the Pit Bull's rep will always have to be overcome by people that love these dogs
When I was 5, I closed the heavy steel front door on my cats tail.
She had a flat spot on her tail the rest of her life.
More golden retrievers bite humans than pitbulls but the media makes pitbulls look like killing machines. I dont disagree that scumbag owners are a huge problem, but the media made it a frenzy. If they spun it like scumbag owners need to be persecuted and dogs need to be saved, it would have gone Very differently. Thus my comment about scumbag media.
The wrote: ...I really don't think it's the "scumbag media" so much as it is the scumbag breeders/trainers … the dogs a GREAT companion dogs .. can easily be raised to be sweet "lick you to death" companion dogs … BUT…. they are so big, strong, AND "vicious" (when trained that way) that they get the bad rep....
Also remember that some of these dogs have been selectively bred for many generations to be as viscous and aggressive as possible. Determining which ones have been could be pretty difficult.
I have known some very nice "bull" type dogs.
carbon wrote: More golden retrievers bite humans than pitbulls but the media makes pitbulls look like killing machines. I dont disagree that scumbag owners are a huge problem, but the media made it a frenzy. If they spun it like scumbag owners need to be persecuted and dogs need to be saved, it would have gone Very differently. Thus my comment about scumbag media.
yes and no ….
at one time cocker spaniels were accused of more bites than any other breed … but whether spaniels or golden retrievers OR pit bulls/dobies/rotts … which do think is responsible for the most deaths/disfigurements ?
I've meet some fantastic pit bull type (not sure about how pure bred) but I've also meet a LOT more of the aggressive fighting breeds that were downright scary than any spaniels or retrievers
very few dogs are "killers" on their own, and as much as I like the "good" pits that I've meet, I do realize that there is some truth to the saying "where there's smoke there's fire" …
until proven otherwise I'm usually more wary around the "proven" "bad" dogs than I am around most other breeds
No yes and no about it, just yes. My comment about the media deliberately spinning it to build hysteria, did not help the problem or the breed or society. They know that hysteria brings ratings and dont care about anything but that. The right and impartial thing for them to do would have been to expose the culture of dog abuse and fighting as the evil that it is. My statement about the media stands. Period. Be wary around all dogs that you dont know.
For the record, referring to my dog and the OP's as a "proven bad dog" is counter productive and argumentative.
that's why it was in "quotes" about the only way on here I could indicate that I didn't agree with the bad dog designation
sensationalizing, false hysteria or not … I still would be willing to bet that there are more deaths/disfigurements attributable to the "proven bad dog" (see there I made the same reference, indicating my disagreement with the way the dogs are portrayed) than there are to golden retrievers
all i wanted was a little lite hearted holiday cheer......if you dont like pit bulls you have nothing to gain by bashing them in this forum (if in fact that is what you are doing (circle talking)).
sorry … no I wasn't bashing them, actually like them well enough … sorry it's being taken that way
just trying to point out that it's not all the media in that there aren't really all that many maiming's by the golden retriever that he mentioned … the deaths and maiming's come tend to come from the breeds that have been bred and trained (by the jackasses that seem to enjoy dog fighting) to be that way .. either for the fighting or the supposed personal protection that they think they provide
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