10/13/08 3:33 p.m.
One horsepower to be specific.
In the 90s, I used to cross-country jump, hunt, and generally have a hellova lotta fun with my big ole horse, Redford. We both got a little older, I got single with a mortgage to pay, and needed to spend time on my writing and drawing which I'd neglected for about ten years... so my buddy went to the Therapeutic Riding Program, where he was loved and appreciated by dozens of handicapped kids and adults for the last 7 years. I parted with him with the understanding that I'd get him back when he was ready to retire.
So last weekend I picked him up. He's 22, and will spend the rest of his days in happy leisure on my sister's farm.
Here's some pics ...

Aw, what a handsome fella! 
Handsome horse!
That program sounds like it was a really good idea. :)
neat program... animals are always relay kewl for kids... i'm sure even more so for handicapped
Beautiful animal!
He looks very happy.
10/14/08 5:30 p.m.
I volunteered with one of those programs briefly. They really are fantastic. The kids absolutely love riding those horses. Your's has made a lot of people very happy.
It's the coolest thing that you're taking him back when he's retired. You're def'ly one of the good guys.
10/14/08 9:17 p.m.
Thanks - he's family.
I volunteered with the program several years ago - it was amazing what it did for the riders - not only physically, but emotionally. Horses are a great equalizer.
awww, such a Nice Guy
( from Blazing Saddles too )
nice to hear a good horse story
Sonnet, you're making a German spectacle of yourself! Or is that Swedish in you case?
Now you need to get another horse so I have someone I know to compete with if I ever get enough money together to spend winters riding in Florida.
My brother is autistic and has been a program like that in florida for about 4 or 5 years, all i can say is thank you very much! to you and any one else who has volunteered. Its been a great program for him and he has progressed so much lately that they think he has moved beyond what help they can give him, which is sad in a way because he loves riding so much. Again, thank you to everyone who has helped programs like these!
10/15/08 2:11 p.m.
That is just great to hear. As you can imagine, I will be sending out lots of Christmas cards this year "from Redford".
This is us ten years ago:

Mmm, horses. Great gloves, and tasty too!
The theraputic riding program is fascinating at how well it works.