I'm looking into get another GPS as the TOMTOM I had on my motorcycle decided to go flying on the freeway.
What I'd like is one that can export data to use with sites like:
So, I need to be able to record max speed, avg speed, altitude, distance. Also, I would like to program routes into the device using Google Earth / Google Maps. most devices seem to only accept 2-3 way points.
Now, I'm not afraid to mod or reprogram by any means. heck, My blackberry runs an OS that hasn't been released for it and my wii might run linux.
With a fairly simple GPS reciever, you can log the data with this- http://www.racechrono.com/
and my friend who is putting together my logger tells me that it's quite easy to export the track for Google Earth.
We are going to use that for our data logger, which will be pretty interesting, if we can get the details worked out.
ps- edit- woops, I just noticed that you were looking for a real GPS that you can up and download routes to. what I post does not.... sorry about that.
My DeLorme PN-40 accepts 1,000 waypoints. That should be enough for you.
It's an odd duck unit, most closely comparable to a Garmin 60C series. It has better maps than the Garmin, but less aftermarket support.
Doesn't your Blackberry have GPS? Maybe a used 3G Iphone with no service. There are several track apps that export GPS data.
Ian F
8/13/10 9:31 a.m.
While not cheap, the Garmin 705 is designed for this application. I know of a bunch of guys that use one for planning/tracking mtn bike and road rides. Should work fine on a motorcycle as well.
SupraWes wrote:
Doesn't your Blackberry have GPS? Maybe a used 3G Iphone with no service. There are several track apps that export GPS data.
8330 on verizon. they block it except VZnavigator that they want $10 extra a month for. The iphone idea might work
Bumping this up...Found a cheap insignia GPS (bestbuy outlet $50) that is now capable of using OpenStreetMaps and complete datalogging. (max speed, altitute, distances, times, I'm a little scared how much data is collected)
http://www.gpsvisualizer.com is quite interesting on decoding all the tracks
I've found ways of importing routes as well. Is there a database of good driving roads setup for GPS's?