Not manscaping, Landscaping. We have a nice chunk of property, 47 acres. Our house sits towards the front on a pretty nicely taken care of 3-4 acres. We have a pond up there that has been an eyesore to me for a while. It's very grown up and thickly covered in stickers and vines and shrubs and small trees. I tried last year to clean it up, but said, screw it because it was getting too damn hard to do by myself. The wife has started to help me. That makes things mobetta. Wanna see what we've got now?


We still have a long way to go. We are probably half way through with the hard stuff. The rest should go pretty quickly after we get through all the thick crap.
2/12/13 11:31 a.m.
The geese will love you now.
Call Fire Dept to practice wild fire techniques, have it gone in an afternoon? 
Be careful how much you clear. When I was a kid, about 8, we got a garden tractor. Mowing grass around the yard was fun, fun fun, until I had cleared all around the equipment, dugout, grain bins...Then, it was decided that was a pretty good until I left home, I had about 8 hours worth of grass to mow.
No geese, we do have about 5-6 ducks that hang out up there though. Skunks and other vermin have been calling that thick stuff home for a while too. It sure looks nicer all cleaned up.
I understand about the fire break, but I think the water in the tank will do a better job than the dead trees and brush surrounding it.
Do you have catfish in the pond?
What people can see from the road, they trash and call in complaints about.
Just a little food for thought.
I think it looks pretty. Good work!
I think he needs more patio. Can you give him any tips, Marjorie?
Sure. Find someone furthering the existence of a lame meme, kill and bury. Pave to your taste.