12/24/21 1:27 p.m.
Got the news that my wife's grandmother passed away last night. She would have been 99 in a month and change.
She raised 11 kids (and two more stillborn) in a literal tar paper shack in BFE Minnesota, frost covered the walls when the kids would wake up in the morning. She was an amazing woman, and the world is poorer for her passing.
berkeley cancer.
I'm sorry to hear that, my thoughts and prayers are with your family. Sounds like Betty lived an amazing life and must have left a pretty impressive legacy with 11 kids!
Sorry to hear. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
I'm sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing person. Grew up during the Great Depression, was a young adult during WWII. I would have liked to know her.
What a great life. Sorry it was taken away from you.