First does grassroots just mean el-cheapo or does it mean done cheaply with ingenuity?
I'm hoping for the latter.
My wife and I have been hunting for a cool (as in temperature) mattress. We are so tired of sleeping on a hot bed.
The Tempurpedics and other memory foam mattresses are absolutely unbearable (they need heat to work properly so they soak it up) and they leave this giant cavern in the bed so that when you need to try to find a cool spot you almost need to mountain climb out and you can't find another comfortable spot till that one finally returns to near normal. BIG pain.
All the innerspring mattresses seem to sleep hot as well, but Serta (I believe) just came out with a gel mattress. OK, only the top 3-4" are gel but they claim it is the coolest sleeping mattress. It definitely feels cooler for the few minutes we've laid on one. We think that's what we will ultimately buy, but we're still looking.
Now for the grassroots part. We've also wanted an adjustable bed for quite some time and while looking at adjustable bases I realized that several of them were no more than 2 arms that raised or lowered the head or the knee area of the mattress. We also realized that no matter how many times we tried them out we always settled into 2 basic configurations so I decided to see if I could save myself about $1,600 and just make a support in the configuration we liked the best.
I took a 2- 2x6"s and a 2x4" and put them together in a U shape with one 2x6" stood up, one 2x6" on it's side and the 2x4" as the other side of the U. This makes the leading edge of the U taller than the trailing edge.
Then I took 2- 2x4"s and made them in an L shape.
I put the 2x6" contraption under the head of the bed and put the 2x4"s under the knee area (in the L shaped configuration, not in an inverted V configuration, although that would be an option also)- VOILA! Instant adjustment that puts the head higher than the legs (good for acid reflux) and was extremely comfortable.
(EDIT: basically all I did was raise the bed the width of 2x6" and raise my knees by the width of a 2x4". The rest of the work was to make the boards stay on their edge instead of falling over and to give the mattress some support in the transition stage.)
The only time either of us moves is, predictably, when the mattress gets too hot.
It also isn't adjusted upwards so much that we can't sleep on our sides.
A few days later I crawled under the bed and saw a small gap between the mattress and the frame about 8" "south" of the head piece so I added a flat layer of 1x4". I don't know if it needs it, but it does support it a little better.
I can't believe I hadn't thought of this before. This has bought some time before we need to buy a new mattress and we see how this works out long term. That lets us shop for a sale and could save us more money on top of the cost of the adjustable base.