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Carbon UltraDork
1/6/20 8:49 p.m.

I have a molar that is cracked across the entirety of the outside and front where it meets the gum. It's singin, and its wiggly. Is it going to hurt way more if I break it the rest of the way off?

I know I have to go to the dentist about it but I dont have time this week and honestly I'm a bit traumatized by a lifetime of bad dentistry experiences. I have a rare condition that males me immune to nova/lydacaine that they didn't find until I was in my late 30s, so I had extensive dental work with no anesthesia of any sort when I was young with the dentists telling me that I was being a wimp and to toughen up. I had a tooth pulled a while back under general and I didn't really mind that but getting them to do that is a hassle with multiple appointments etc.

I don't usually talk about this as it's kind of an awkward topic for me for some reason, I guess I'm embarrassed that I've let it go so long and now my teeth are in disrepair from age and neglect (they look fine as the problems are in the back) but I'm in a lot of pain.

I've got 3 badly broken now and several that are failing at the gum line. Gonna be super expensive I fear.   


Any advice? Any way to not have this cost $40k? 

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
1/6/20 8:57 p.m.

I don't do Novacaine either.  Talk to your dentist and let them know your issue, there is no reason to be in pain for dental work.

 (My go-to is carbocaine but there are many ways to skin this cat and just being told to "suck it up" is bullE36 M3)

Dental health is part of your overall health, don't neglect it.

Gingerbeardman Reader
1/6/20 8:59 p.m.

I didn't have health insurance for years after the Great Recession...had two wisdom teeth crack and then get cavities. They became infected several times, kept it at bay with antibiotics. Two years ago I had one get an abcess, which turned septic. I thought I had lockjaw. Doc got it under control with heavy duty antibiotics and my wife referred me to her dentist (she has great medical). I was afraid it would cost an arm and a leg...dentist pulled both wisdom teeth, did x-rays, filled a cavity and cleaned my teeth for less than $1k.

Don't put it off any longer than you absolutely have to...that low-level infection followed by septicemia did a number on my heart. If I could go back in time and kick my own ass, I would. I'll have to keep a close eye on heart conditions for the rest of my life because I was too cheap to have a tooth pulled.

Datsun310Guy UltimaDork
1/6/20 9:05 p.m.

When people describe health issues I feel the pain and trauma.  Best I not check back.  


yupididit UberDork
1/6/20 9:09 p.m.

Don't we have a dentist here on GRM?

frenchyd PowerDork
1/6/20 9:37 p.m.

In reply to Carbon : I've had more than my share of bad dentists.  To the point where I too avoided them for as long as possible.  
I'd go in to have one tooth pulled and he'd crack the good two adjacent in extracting the bad one.  High end specialists recommended by my little N.H. trusted dentist because I had great dental insurance at the time.  
Now I have to take strong anti anxiety pills to have any dental work done often using Nova cane and Gas. 
Next time have the dentist prescribe anti anxiety pill  (usually only get one and then you need someone to drive you to and from) .  Try laughing gas if that doesn't work there are other weapons in their tool box. 

Carbon UltraDork
1/6/20 9:48 p.m.
yupididit said:

Don't we have a dentist here on GRM?

God, I hope so and that he's local! Need someone I can trust, like a grmer! 

dculberson MegaDork
1/6/20 10:07 p.m.

Don't be embarrassed here please. I don't think I have a single molar without at least one maybe two fillings (each tooth!) and two crowns and several chunked off molars and a bit missing from my front teeth. Ugh. I think I have soft enamel or something because I totally take care of them and they just keep failing me. So you're in good company I guess I'm saying. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/6/20 10:10 p.m.

The local to me sedation dentist is offering to pull a molar for $750, then another $75-100 per tooth after the first. While that's what I paid for 4 wisdom and a molar (the $750) 7 years ago, I still think it's worth it.

Nothing is worse, for me, than tooth pain, and I've had my share of problems and injuries. I've got a molar that is going to need pulled in the next year so I've been shopping around.  

Appleseed MegaDork
1/6/20 10:43 p.m.

Find a dentist that can knock you out.

Apis Mellifera
Apis Mellifera HalfDork
1/7/20 6:47 a.m.

I was in dental school before I switched to vet. school, but I don't take the following as advice: 

I chomped a Tootsie Roll a few Halloweens back and broke off half a molar at the gum.  I hadn't opted for dental insurance so I had to decide whether to just bite the bullet... and pay up or wait two months for open enrollment.  Being cheap and a DIYer, I waited.  It was rough.  I bought some OTC epoxy-like stuff meant to glue crowns back on and made and installed a new molar.  It would last a few weeks, so I had to repeat the process a few times.  Once insurance kicked in, I had a root canal and crown done and the bill was about $3000.  I opted for a gold crown because I wanted it to last.  I'd assume porcelain would be cheaper.

yupididit UberDork
1/7/20 7:31 a.m.
Carbon said:
yupididit said:

Don't we have a dentist here on GRM?

God, I hope so and that he's local! Need someone I can trust, like a grmer! 

Its Docwyte he's in the Denver area. 

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
1/7/20 8:25 a.m.

In reply to Datsun310Guy :

The proper orderly movie



KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
1/7/20 8:25 a.m.

Man, I wish you guys luck finding good dentists.  Mine here in central KY is utterly the best.  A father and son practice and they routinely win the "Best in the Bluegrass" award.  Reasonable prices, and multiple hottie dental assistants to distract you.  

Over the years I've had truly atrocious teeth and horrible dentists, but these dudes are the business!

Mazdax605 UberDork
1/7/20 8:36 a.m.

docwyte UberDork
1/7/20 8:40 a.m.

did someone page me? lol!

Please don't do your own dental work, that's why we're here!  I'm in the Denver CO area, if you're close come on by and I'll take a look and give you an idea of your options.

I doubt it's gonna be $40k, depending on what you want to do and the condition of the rest of your dentition it could range from under $1000 to over several thousand. 

Sedation is a great choice and it's the only way I'd want to treat you.  Being comfortable is worth every single penny you spend.

1988RedT2 MegaDork
1/7/20 9:06 a.m.
Carbon said:
yupididit said:

Don't we have a dentist here on GRM?

God, I hope so and that he's local! Need someone I can trust, like a grmer! 

Shoot.  Any guy on here good with a wrench could feed you some whisky and pop a 10mm socket on that tooth and twist it right out, no problem.

Patrick GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/7/20 9:34 a.m.

When my molar broke from falling off a ladder it didn't hurt, and i filed the rough edges myself and lived with it for 4 years.  I finally got over my fear enough from sadistic dentist at 16 to go get it removed.  If they're not compassionate to your fears before you begin, leave.

Mazdax605 UberDork
1/7/20 1:11 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:
Carbon said:
yupididit said:

Don't we have a dentist here on GRM?

God, I hope so and that he's local! Need someone I can trust, like a grmer! 

Shoot.  Any guy on here good with a wrench could feed you some whisky and pop a 10mm socket on that tooth and twist it right out, no problem.

Nah, we can't find the 10mm socket.

Appleseed MegaDork
1/7/20 1:37 p.m.

In reply to Mazdax605 :

It's obviously stuck in someone's mouth.

Driven5 UltraDork
1/7/20 4:43 p.m.

If it doesn't involve two big bottles of NOS, is it really Grassroots dentistry?

Carbon UltraDork
1/7/20 4:56 p.m.

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I've got an appointment next week and it's at least temporarily not excruciating so thats good. We'll see if its as costly as this divorce.....

yupididit UberDork
1/7/20 5:05 p.m.
Carbon said:

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I've got an appointment next week and it's at least temporarily not excruciating so thats good. We'll see if its as costly as this divorce.....

There's no monetary value to health and happiness!

daeman Dork
1/7/20 5:11 p.m.

I cracked a tooth a while back, not the first time I've done it either. (I sleep grind). Where I'm going with this is if you've had a bad experience, try and find a female dentist. My usual guy wasn't available at short notice and I was in alot of pain, so found another dentist that had a good reputation fairly close to home. She was my first female dentist and she was fantastic! Great empathy, small hands, very very gentle... like couldn't even feel her working gentle

A few months ago I dislodged a filling, I was in a new area, so had to find another dentist. Again,ended up with a lady, again absolutely fantastic!

My old dentist was very good, but he had BIG hands and not exactly the most gently or compassionate guy. My orthodontist as a teenager was an outright sadist haha. 

Obviously not all female dentists are so gentle and empathetic, as not all male dentists are ham fisted ruffians, but it may be worth a look

1/8/20 10:51 a.m.

I had a friend a few years ago who had a genetic condition and grew up in poverty- had teeth like spades. They were also terrified of dental work and my friend group really helped them to find a provider. 

Carbon said:

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I've got an appointment next week and it's at least temporarily not excruciating so thats good. We'll see if its as costly as this divorce.....

Good luck to you friend- and good on you for taking care of this.

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