Hi all, just got back from vacation in England, and wanted to post a couple of pics of the sand sculpture I did on the beach in Crantock, which is in Cornwall England.
I spent about 4 hours making this race car, only to have the tide which runs about 8 ft high here wipe it out in about 20 minutes.
In two of the pics you can see the tide about to eat it. The last thing standing was the engine, which you will notice is a little DOHC unit with detailed intake and exhaust, (as much as possible with sand) and has sea weed sparkplug wires.
Hope you like it.

Chris Rummel
That's awesome! The best I can do is turn a bucket full of sand upside down.
In reply to Rumnhammer:
Looks like the BRM sports car prototype with the half-16 engine.
Cool! Thanks for sharing the photos.
Rummel, you magnificent bastard!
Woody wrote:
Rummel, you magnificent bastard!
Actually to me it looks more like a Cooper-Climax, early '60s...
Thanks, I was going for a vintage formula car look. I thought it was fitting since I was in England.
The day before I made a Dragon, but I thought the car was more fitting to post here. Plus people might think I was posting pics of Deals gap.
Here is a pic of that one with me and my daughter.

Chris Rummel
Oh, yeah I get the Patton quote too. LOL.