9/26/14 10:53 a.m.
I currently sit in a generic cube in a generic chair at a generic desk. I have very little power over any of that. I started using an under desk pedaller like this:

To help with my ongoing knee issues.
What I want it something like an actual bike seat, so that you always have to use your feet to do something, even if not pedaling. Potentially with some sort of flexible element in the post. I would then put my computer up higher somehow at stand-ish height.
Thoughts on GRMing this?
Sounds like you want to sit on an exercise bike at your desk, too bad you've already bought the separate pedaler.
My first thought was something like a barstool with a sprung bicycle seat on it. You'd have to make an adapter piece though.
Get an inflatable stability cushion:
Helps with the lower back.
Also, even though you think there isn't much you can do to improve ergonomics, often there are state laws that can be referenced to force your employer to at least pay for some sort of improvement, especially if you have a doctor's note. Even if it simply buying you a stool and raising your desk so you can sit or stand at the desk to get some different position options throughout the day. Some might even buy a balance ball to replace your chair which is a more active way to sit. Some have even gone so far as to buy their employees treadmill desks. Worth looking up.
9/26/14 11:08 a.m.
We do have some options here for desk height, but that's the balance of it at least as witnessed by colleagues.
I like the ball idea in general, but it seems at odd with the pedal idea.
I am thinking something like a bike seat on a post with the pedals intact and some form of brake drum where the sprocket used to be.
I think I even have a set of PT Cruiser linings sitting around.
This is sounding more and more like an exercise bike. See what you can find, there are some that are not much more than you describe, but they always have some kind of handle in front of the "rider." Maybe you could unbolt this piece.
9/26/14 11:15 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
This is sounding more and more like an exercise bike. See what you can find, there are some that are not much more than you describe, but they always have some kind of handle in front of the "rider." Maybe you could unbolt this piece.
Old bike, take off the handles. Take off the front wheel, then put the back wheel on one of those rollers that turns any bike into a stationary one.
I'm thinking something like this:

With the front bar removed, control panel attached where convenient if necessary.
tuna55 wrote:
I currently sit in a generic cube in a generic chair at a generic desk. I have very little power over any of that. I started using an under desk pedaller like this:
To help with my ongoing knee issues.
How is that? Quality/use wise?
Same as this one?
9/26/14 1:03 p.m.
That wasn't actually the brand that I have, it's a $30 Amazon piece with no computer thingie, but it works great.
2/6/15 9:57 a.m.
So I got a note from my doctor, and then this happened:

Is that just an exercise bike or is it the base of a bike with a separate chair?
2/6/15 10:09 a.m.
It's an Apple sticker on a Dell. A joke.
It's a whole bike. This one.
THis is hour three of fay three. 118 miles so far.