4/4/16 4:55 p.m.
I take road trips. Sometimes a cheap motel lacks in-room coffee. I'm not leaving the room without having had a coffee, and I'm not paying double for a room, just because it has a coffeemaker.
Current effort involves a small, stainless, (intended for) camping percolator, combined with a single electric burner hot plate.


It's a fairly simple rig, no disposable filters, but cumbersome, and requires coarse-ground coffee.
Show me a better solution, please!
Induction cook top the size of a laptop would be better than coil.
Aero Press coffee maker.
4/4/16 5:07 p.m.
12V. Set it up in the trunk of your car and leave it there. This one's a Cuisinart, but lots of companies make them (Coleman, RoadPro, Keurig, etc)

This and a electric kettle. It is outstanding, fast, easy and portable.

4/4/16 5:09 p.m.
I used to travel with one of these, and tea bag style coffee singles:

4/4/16 5:11 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
Induction cook top the size of a laptop would be better than coil.
Aero Press coffee maker.
I'll second the aero press. It makes a good coffee once you've got the hang of it.
It's pretty compact, easy to clean and spare parts are available. If traveling I'd recommend getting a metal filter screen as opposed to the filter papers, or at least as a back up in case you run out of filter papers. I've made hundreds of coffees with the metal screen and it's still holding up strong. I find it has less issues with bypass than the paper filters, though it can be more prone to leaving the bottom of your cup full of mud if your grind isn't right.
French press insert for a JetBoil stove. You will have to open a window - but it also works on the side of a mountain at 14k feet, a rest area, trailer in the paddock and fits nicely in the saddle bag of a motorcycle.
Bonus for heating soup in record time.

I have one of these I use at home, takes thier pods, but a plug and water and you get great espresso... I take it wiht my places sometimes, pretty easy to move around.

Some friends have the jet boil French press. Pretty much can make coffee anywhere.
daeman wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
Induction cook top the size of a laptop would be better than coil.
Aero Press coffee maker.
I'll second the aero press. It makes a good coffee once you've got the hang of it.
I'll third the aeropress. I've been making coffee at work for quite a few years now. Much easier to clean than a French Press. And the coffee is really good.
I have been called a monster and a heathen by many a coffee aficionado but I carry instant coffee for such times. I even carried some in my work bag because one of the vendors I used to work with went to Keurigs and didnt keep coffee for guests.
Ive drank more than one cup made with hot tap water and this stuff.
I have a well documented history of poor taste.
Fourth vote for Aeropress. Use an electric kettle or microwave the water.
You can't bring a thermos and walk to the lobby? I haven't left a hotel without a thermos of second rate coffee in years.
When I need to make it myself I travel with a blue plastic funnel, some filters, and a bit of loose coffee. You guys are complicating things.
I have an older version of this: http://www.amazon.com/Delonghi-EMK6-Alicia-Electric-Espresso/dp/B00009W5F0
If you want espresso, it's a pretty decent option. Still not quite a strong a brew as I would prefer, but I suspect I'm not the average coffee consumer.
Starbucks "Via" Instant coffee and your preferred method of making hot water. It's the BEST instant I've ever had, expensive, but good. I got a case of it FREE and loved it, until I went to buy the stuff myself... wowsers! it's $$$$
hamilton beach flexbrew cost me $29 at ollie's(not sure if you have them where you're at) and it uses k cups, hotel coffee packs, or grounds without a filter.
Electric kettle and a pourover funnel.

I go to MicD's or DD for my morning coffee when on the road.
Intrigued by the instant coffees. I've been drinking coffee daily for about 25 years, and I've never tasted instant coffee. We should have a "What's the best instant coffee?" thread!
Most in-room coffee sucks. I usually make do, but I'd think a small drip coffeemaker, a supply of filters, and some good, fresh-ground coffee would make fine traveling companions. All you'd need is a 120 outlet.
4/4/16 7:33 p.m.
You'll get the best coffee with an aeropress or pour over funnel, but you need a source for hot water. I would suggest an electric kettle with a big opening and an aeropress so you can store the aeropress inside the kettle.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Intrigued by the instant coffees. I've been drinking coffee daily for about 25 years, and I've never tasted instant coffee. We should have a "What's the best instant coffee?" thread!
After going through a dozen different instants, I found the Jacobs Gold to be my favorite. The Nescafe Clasico isn't bad either. I don't even own a coffee maker anymore other than the Brunn at the office.
4/4/16 8:59 p.m.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Intrigued by the instant coffees. I've been drinking coffee daily for about 25 years, and I've never tasted instant coffee. We should have a "What's the best instant coffee?" thread!
American: Starbucks Via is quite acceptable.
The best stuff is Korean. I recommend Maxim Gold or NesCafe. You can find it for reasonable prices on Amazon, eBay, and occasionally at your local Asian store. I'm a big fan of the Mocha varieties (pre-sweetened and pre-creamed, just add hot water).

They make smaller cups than we do, so use two packs for an American mug. Here's a link: http://www.amazon.com/Maxim-Mocha-Gold-Korean-Instant/dp/B003VCULUS/
BrokenYugo wrote:
Electric kettle and a pourover funnel.
I'm don't use a pour-over myself, but an electric kettle, manual grinder, and pourover is probably the easiest snob approved solution.
I'd do a Jetboil or other pocket stove and instant coffee.
The Amazons has many single serve drip coffee makers that brew into an included travel cup. I'm sure the Walmarks has one or three also. Some of them look pretty tiny too. Why get all hoity toity and fussy if you drink "Mr. Coffee" at home?
My only concern about those is if they leak in your luggage, or build up with scaries if it sits for a while unused.