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DirtyBird222 UltraDork
6/14/14 6:20 p.m.

I need to start using my DSLR more. The wife wants to buy a new one with HD vid capability so we are saving for that.

This year...here's a fav thus far just because it's two wheeling.

donalson PowerDork
6/14/14 7:05 p.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote: I need to start using my DSLR more. The wife wants to buy a new one with HD vid capability so we are saving for that.

what brand are you built into right now?... if you aren't canon but aren't overly invested in another brand I'd highly recommend the 70d I have the slightly older 60d and it's a great camera, they did some amazing things for the video AF on the 70d though and if I did a bit more video work it would be enough for me to upgrade... as it stands I have regular access to a 5dmkII and my 60d... unless I'm dealing with very low light situations I stick with the 60d which is sooo much less clunky (although if they gave me a 6d or a 5dmkIII I'd use them over mine ;-)

for our weekly video at church I use the 60d... the tilt/swivel screen is nice and I don't need the super shallow depth of field that the full frame sensor and the f/1.4 lens combo can give me with a still subject and a controlled light source.

if you don't swing the way of canon I know other brands have made some amazing leaps in the AF for video use, so if you are going for HD video as a buying factor seriously look into the focus technology... the older cameras that do have it are slow and depending on the lens noisy and frequently miss focus if using AF and it's not super easy to manual focus with most consumer grade lenses on the tiny little screen :-/

anyway very kewl shot :) might try pushing the shutter time a little slower to get a bit more motion blur in the background but as I've said before, even since I was a kid learning photography (on my fisher price/kodak 110) pan/motion shots like that were always some of my favs

DirtyBird222 UltraDork
6/14/14 7:17 p.m.

I'm just using a Nikon D60 with stock lenses still :). Not too vested in any brand. I've been scoping out 6Ds, they have a decent combo deal at Costco with bags, lenses, SD cards, etc.

This Nikon has been through hell and back though. Does Canon have the same toughness? It's been a good five years with this thing.

donalson PowerDork
6/14/14 8:06 p.m.

the next camera I buy will will likely be a 6d... but it does lack the nice AF feature and works like the old 60d and 5dmkII in that regard... I do wonder if the 6d mkII will have the sweet dual pixel AF feature or not... as it stand I know they limited the 6d in a few places... also at a $700 premium (body only) you could buy a pretty nice lens (or lenses... even more if you don't mind used = www.keh.com ... but the 6d is a pro camera with the magnesium body and full frame and some great camera AF technology (will focus in near dark conditions)

on a side note... it's always worth looking at the competition nikon is great I know both sony and pentax make some great cameras with amazing sensors these days... I changed over from pentax to canon a few years back for the video features... I also have a few friends who are pro wedding photographers so I have occasional access to a sweet set of lenses... nothing like hanging a $2500 lens on your camera or a $1600 prime lens to make you grin and wish you could justify the cost lol

donalson PowerDork
6/14/14 8:18 p.m.

another fairly heavily HDRd shot with my pentax k10d... I think I shot auto bracketed (handheld) and stacked three RAW files which is why the branches have a bit of ghosting/dual lines and such... but it always reminded me of a painting I had in the house growing up which makes it a shot I always liked :)

bgkast GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/14/14 9:11 p.m.

Best cell shot from the air show today.

Jerry Dork
6/15/14 6:59 a.m.

My cousin's wedding. When I first saw her back piece I knew it was getting used in a photo.

bastomatic SuperDork
6/15/14 7:27 a.m.


I made a pinhole camera out of a drawer of an old jewelry box. Attached a Polaroid packfilm back to it. This was type 669 film, shot at a stop light near work. 8 second exposure.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
6/15/14 7:55 a.m.

This one was shot at about 5 AM in the Turks and Caicos Islands, looking across a infinity edge pool and out over the ocean. It was taken with a Nicon P500. I have no idea what the settings were. I was using a table as a tripod, setting the aperture and taking one shot at each shutter speed. There were probably 50 images in this set, this was the best of them.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/15/14 8:07 a.m.

Taken with my iPhone. My niece would roll the ball and Ollie would bring it back to her.

02Pilot HalfDork
6/15/14 8:36 a.m.
bastomatic wrote: Untitled I made a pinhole camera out of a drawer of an old jewelry box. Attached a Polaroid packfilm back to it. This was type 669 film, shot at a stop light near work. 8 second exposure.

Excellent. Pinhole cameras are great fun, and an instant back is a great option. I've got an old Kodak Brownie Six-20 (6x9) that I converted to pinhole.

Brokeback Reader
6/15/14 10:59 a.m.

Taken with a Cannon P&S on a backpacking trip in the Desolation Wilderness:

G8MikeGXP New Reader
6/15/14 8:29 p.m.

St Agnes church in Detroit. It's about four blocks from where the 1967 riots began. It was in decent shape until the early 2000s. I understand the city is now trying to have it demolished.

donalson PowerDork
6/15/14 10:27 p.m.

I love so many of these pics that are being posted :)

this is an HDR shot from a single raw file from my k10d at the Notre-Dame Cathedral

and this was just a jpg conversion from picasa K10D 18-55mm kit lens, 10s f/9.5 ISO200 was sitting on the bridge... next time I would ring a beanbag just for a bit more of a secure and adjustable means of sitting the camera.

skierd Dork
6/16/14 1:13 a.m.

Ease up on the highlight correction and you'll get rid of those halo's. A lot of that work can be done better on the raw conversion part, at least in my experience.

I actually like the desaturated look of the jpg better, maybe pull out everything but the blue in the tree to B&W, then bump up the contrast?

skierd SuperDork
6/16/14 1:31 a.m.

Sunset on the Chena River in December


Brokeback Reader
6/16/14 2:41 a.m.

More pics from the desolation wilderness, since pretty places help hide my bad photography!

Jerry Dork
6/16/14 6:38 a.m.

Indy 500 2013. I accidentally bought the winner's jersey at the beginning of the day, merely picking one "that looked nice". Knowing almost nothing about Indy racing, I just grabbed one since the whole weekend was free thanks to SWMBO'd work.

Graefin10 SuperDork
6/16/14 6:54 a.m.
Brokeback wrote: More pics from the desolation wilderness, since pretty places help hide my bad photography!

At first glance I thought that was Dale Earnhardt Jr. Upon second look I'm still not sure. So is it?

02Pilot HalfDork
6/16/14 8:23 a.m.

On the side of a long-defunct Ford dealership near here.

 photo 20May2014-1-04_Modified_Border_zps27951448.jpg

4cylndrfury MegaDork
6/16/14 8:35 a.m.

A panorama from the lot where our new home will be built.Took this on Fathers day, hopefully about 3 days from now there will be a giant hole in the middle of this shot...,

Jerry Dork
6/16/14 8:47 a.m.

In reply to 4cylndrfury:

...with a prime rallycross course surrounding it?

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
6/16/14 8:58 a.m.


Another Pentax user here. Both pictures taken with a fairly "meh" 18-55 kit lens.

Dirt Road in desert with Miatas by concealer404, on Flickr

MSM at backroads crossroads by concealer404, on Flickr

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/16/14 9:33 a.m.

Taken at this year's Rolex 24.

donalson PowerDork
6/16/14 10:26 a.m.
skierd wrote: Ease up on the highlight correction and you'll get rid of those halo's. A lot of that work can be done better on the raw conversion part, at least in my experience. I actually like the desaturated look of the jpg better, maybe pull out everything but the blue in the tree to B&W, then bump up the contrast?

ya I'd have preferred it somewhere between... I was playing with a trial HDR program and went over the top most of the time with it... sadly I'm a good example of why you need to keep the files saved in multiple locations... the HDD I had the original files on stopped working... which is why the originals are kept in at least 3 locations now... so no real going back to retouch/play with it :-/

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