A dog would have to be pretty tough to handle coons. Those things are really mean, and some kind of tough. I could tell you stories involving 7.62x39 rounds and coons. The coons will occasionally get into my dog pen area, going after the dog food. They are used to just fighting off dogs, even big dogs. My dogs are a Black Mouth Cur, used for bear (and everything else) hunting in the South, and a Rhodesian Ridgeback, used for lion hunting in Africa. They ain't afraid of no coon and get right into it with them, but generally come away bloody. The coons usually realize they have screwed up and climb a tree, which I shoot them down from, ending the problem for another night. There is no other sound like a coon's battle cry. It is something to hear. You're much better off with a Duffer's and a 22.
I've never taken a shot at one but the raccoons around here seem a little big for a .22.
we shoot em in the ass so they will fall out the tree and the coondogs get to fight em
The coon doesn't last long after the bones get to breaking
5/10/09 7:31 a.m.
i had a family of raccoons in my yard for awhile, besides getting into the garbage on occasion, they didnt bother me or the house. when the dogs moved in, the coons moved out, no fighting involved, just allot of barking...and the occasional dash to get up the tree before the dog caught up with them. guess they got tired of it and moved to a place without dogs...
Woody: You have to get a head shot with a 22. They flop around a bit, but it's over.
A shotgun and a heavier load shell, say a duck or turkey load, does wonders. Also it is much easier to hit them at close range or on the run. You also don't have to worry so much with a head shot. Full choke works well although that's not necessary but you get a good bit of range with one.
5/11/09 2:06 p.m.
Paintball guns can be fun because then you effectively mark the animal for a while until the paint washes off in the rain. You can freeze the paintballs too. Real firearms are the most effective, however.
I wis I could vote for Gs comment more than once.
Figured i would update, putting some metal flashing around the supports seems to have done the trick.
thanks all!